英语新闻|Metropolis becoming a booming hub for business

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Qingdao respects and supports entrepreneurs, which was evidenced in its recent fellowship event.

It was held by the Qingdao enterprise union and the city's entrepreneur association on the Qingdao Entrepreneur Day, Nov 1, arranged by Qingdao's legislative body.

Li Fengli, the union's president, said the union and the association have contacted societies related to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and established platforms in the regions for attracting investment.

They cooperated with authorities such as the Qingdao investment promotion office and the service and management bureau of Qingdao International Cruise Terminal Area to help local businesspeople.

It is necessary to develop the union and the association into havens of companies and homes of entrepreneurs, Li said, adding that they will provide precise and efficient services to businesses.

The union also signed agreements with hospitals, such as Ruijin Hospital Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, to make it convenient for entrepreneurs to visit doctors.

More than 100 locally noted businesspeople visited the cruise terminal area and a cultural and historical block and enjoyed artistic performances on the evening of Nov 1.

The private economy plays an important role in Qingdao as more than 95 percent of its companies are private ones. The city's 14 innovative measures for supporting reform and development of private enterprises have been spread nationwide.

Several renowned companies have been founded in Qingdao since the reform and opening-up policy was adopted in 1978. Among them are home appliance makers Haier, Hisense and Aucma, as well as Tsingtao Brewery.

Influential and excellent entrepreneurs such as Zhang Ruimin, founder of Haier, have showcased their courage and vigor.

Young and competitive companies are emerging in Qingdao under its environment of caring about entrepreneurs and supporting their growth.

In total, a further 54 Qingdao businesses were among the fourth young small companies from the medium and high-end fields released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology this year. The city is now home to 151 such companies.

Source:CHINA DAILY-Charming Qingdao

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