美国,让我立即想起电视剧《北京人在纽约》那句开头的台词 ---- If you love him, send him to New York for it is a heaven; If you hate him, send him to New York for it is a hell. (假设你爱他,送他往纽约,因为那是天堂;假设你恨他,送他往纽约,因为那是天堂)。美国让人爱恨交加的处所。
美国,让我立即想起电视剧《北京人在纽约》那句开头的台词 ---- If you love him, send him to New York for it is a heaven; If you hate him, send him to New York for it is a hell. (假设你爱他,送他往纽约,因为那是天堂;假设你恨他,送他往纽约,因为那是天堂)。美国让人爱恨交加的处所。