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  South Korea: Hostage killed

  Iraqi insurgents have killed the South Korean civilian they were holding hostage, according to South Korean Foreign Ministry officials. A spokesman said the U.S. military informed the South Korean Embassy in Iraq that they had found a body that appeared to be that of an Asian male, the officials said.

  A spokesman said the U.S. military informed the South Korean Embassy in Iraq that they had found a body that appeared to be that of an Asian male, the officials said.

  They sent a photograph of the body, and the embassy identified Kim Sun-Il, who was kidnapped on June 17 in Fallujah, west of Baghdad.

  The Islamist Web site “Voice of Jihad“ also posted a message saying that the insurgents had killed Kim.

  Kim, 33, was an Arabic speaker and evangelical Christian who had worked in Iraq for a year as a translator for a South Korean firm supplying goods to the U.S. military.

  In a video broadcast Sunday on Al-Jazeera, Kim cried in English, “Please get out of here. I don’t want to die ... Your life is important, but my life is important.“

  The insurgents had demanded that South Korea cancel plans to send 3,000 additional troops to Iraq.

  Overnight, hundreds of South Koreans gathered in central Seoul on to condemn the dispatch of South Korean troops to Iraq, but the government is so far not backing away from its decision.

  Police said protesters holding candles and placards that read “I don’t want to die. South Korean troops must get out“ gathered in a downtown street, chanting “We are against the dispatch of troops!“

  Earlier, Foreign Ministry spokesman Shin Bong-Kil said that South Korea was trying to establish contact with as many countries and organizations as possible that could help win Kim’s release.

  He declined to comment on whether South Korea had direct contact with the kidnappers.

  South Korean government officials had given numerous interviews to Arab media appealing for Kim’s release, Shin said.

  South Korea plans to send 3,000 troops to Arbil in the northern Kurdish region of Iraq. Military officials say about half are combat troops trained to protect the rest, who are to help rebuild Iraq, distribute aid and train security forces.

  Some 670 South Korean military medics and engineers in southern Iraq since May last year will move to Arbil to join the main force, which Seoul sees as a difficult but vital gesture to the United States, an ally with 37,500 troops in the South to deter North Korea.

  The deployment would make South Korea the third-largest contributor to the coalition in Iraq, after the United States and Britain.


  Kim, 33, was an Arabic speaker and evangelical Christian who had worked in Iraq for a year as a translator for a South Korean firm supplying goods to the U.S. military.



  Earlier, Foreign Ministry spokesman Shin Bong-Kil said that South Korea was trying to establish contact with as many countries and organizations as possible that could help win Kim’s release.

  那边已经命悬一线了,那边还在说官话。外交人员的程度差。应当准确掌握青瓦台的政策,应该预见到派兵带来的各类后果。战前就应该有所展垫,战争一完毕就应该有方案地运营与各权力团体的关系,时间本应下在日常平凡。出了事,再往撒大网,毫无目标性可言。应该根据各方面获取的信息(美国应该供给吧?既然韩国兄弟不屈不挠补给你),对施行绑架的群体做一个初步揣度,然后从普遍运营的社会关系中,重点挠最有可能起感化的几条线跟下往。还好意思说什么“contact with as many countries and organizations as possible ”,那只能阐明韩国在伊外交人员面临此次危机,完全懵了,工做紊乱,只求应付国内一时,也就罢了!


  South Korea plans to send 3,000 troops to Arbil in the northern Kurdish region of Iraq. Military officials say about half are combat troops trained to protect the rest, who are to help rebuild Iraq, distribute aid and train security forces.



  Some 670 South Korean military medics and engineers in southern Iraq since May last year will move to Arbil to join the main force, which Seoul sees as a difficult but vital gesture to the United States.



从CNN新闻稿,谈对韩国人量事务的四点感受。 期待您的回复!


