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  你如今混日子,小心未来日子混了你。Now you dawdle, be careful in the future a mixed day you。

妈妈哎,可要了亲命了!Hey mother, happen by the pro-life!


   Squad leader, I did not want to be top, top, when tired, I want to fool, fool not afraid of people go, do not fool sad。


  Living well is meaningful, good living is so meaningful。

荣耀是在于平平,艰巨是在于漫长。 Glory is plain, is long and arduous。

通俗心,通俗心!After seeking legal advice, after seeking legal advice!

今天比今天好,那就是期看。 Today more than yesterday, this is the hope。

鬼和你怕的工具不都是想出来恫吓本身的吗?You are afraid of ghosts and things are not like to scare themselves out of it?

别认为我来七连没几天,就长不出七连的骨头!Do not think I did not even seven days, not seven even on the long bones!

把他给我拉出往毙了(扔鸡蛋)!!!!!!! He gave me to pull out of the death (throwing eggs )!!!!!!!

明明是个强人,生成一副熊样!Obviously is a strong man, born with a bear-like!

"不放弃,不舍弃,所以我们就是钢七连""Discard, do not give up, so we are not even seven steel"


  " "Do not at every turn, come on artificial respiration。"

你非逼我干啥玩艺儿呢""I have to force your Gansha non-thought it "

"史今,你们排,今天晚上把保密手册给我抄三遍" "The history of this, you schedule this evening to copy confidential manual to me three times"

你懂七连吗?!你晓得七连几次从尸山血海里爬起来,抱着战友残破不全的尸体,当此外连队在喊万岁,七连没有!他们只是默默地掩埋好战友的尸体后跟本身说我又活下来了,还得打下往!!! Seven do not even know you?! You know that even seven times the number of dead from the sea of blood, Hill climb, with the mutilated bodies of his comrades, when the other company in Long live the call, not even seven! They just quietly buried the body of a good comrade-in-arms I also said that his heel to survive, had to act!!!

苦不苦?想想赤军两万五,累不累?洗洗回屋上床睡 Do not suffer hardship? About 25,000 Red Army, Lei Bulei? Wash house to go to bed to sleep

你就是我的天堂You are my hell

人不是靠做出来的,是靠活出来的Do not rely on them, by living out

:“不跟你说了,挺尸!”: "Do not tell you, Ting Shi!"

人在最失看的时候才会尽更大的勤奋! In the most desperate time will make the greatest efforts!

不要对没做过的工作说没意义 Do not say things did not sense


   He's done every trivial thing, as if to seize a life-saving straw, in the end, you discover that he has been clinging to the giant trees。

上有天,下有地,中间站着你本身,做一天人,尽一天人事儿,行吗?There are days, there, standing in the middle of your own, do one day, one day people do things, right?

:“唉呀,战争忒残暴了,连死人都没有平安感了!” : "Oh,'m brutal war, even the dead do not have a sense of security!"


  You told them that life is good, you want to wait。

成才是新兵连飞得更高的马,而我是新兵连最早现形的骡子 New talent is not even the highest flying horse, and I was not even the first new edition of the mule

我一个少校,买几包饼干心跳一百八,我随便吗我I am a Major, buy a few packets heartbeat 180 biscuits, I have it easy for me

电视前的看寡伴侣们,今天晚上又是典范影片《大浪掏沙》,哎,哥几个,今天晚上的沙子比今天白 In front of the TV audience of friends, tonight is the classic film "Big Wave sand out," hey, Ge Jige tonight than yesterday's white-sand

我跟你们随意,你们就跟全世界随意了?! I am not with you, you're not the world?!


  Remember other people's good, keep in mind the overall stronger than other people's bad。

你暗昧你,你俗气你。You ambiguous you, you, you tacky。

我们相信,优良的战斗力是和整洁的军容分不开的。We believe that the combat is good and clean capacity can not be separated from the military。

  A mouthful of rice to eat, things may be done one by one。

饭得一口一口食,事得一件一件办。A mouthful of rice to eat, things may be done one by one。


兵士突击中典范的话有哪些? 期待您的回复!


