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  I'm your angelR Kelly Celine Dion 译文:汪闻亮 no mountain’s too high for you to climb 再高的山岳也无法阻遏你的攀登 all you have to do is have some climbing faith,oh yeah 你所需要的只是攀登的自信心 no rivers too wide for you to make it cross 再宽的河流你也能沉着涉过 all you have to do is believe it when you pray 你所要做的是相信本身的祈求 and then you will see 随后你会发现 the morning will come 破晓即将拂晓 and everyday will be bright as the sun 每一天都是阳光普照 all of your fears 所有的恐惧与疑虑 cast them on me 请都交给我身上 I just want you to see 我只是想让你晓得: I’ll be your cloud up in the sky 我将是空中只属于你的那片云彩 I’ll be your shoulder when you cry 我的肩膀将在你哭抽泣时让你依靠 I’ll hear your voices when you call me,I am your angel 我会闻声你唤唤我的声音,我是你的天使 and when all hope is gone I’m here 即使所有的期看远离你我也会在你身边 no matter how far you are I’m near 无论你往向多远的异乡我也会近在天涯 it makes no difference who you are,I’m you angel 无论你是如何都不再重要,我是你的天使 I am your angel/ I saw your tear drops 我看见你的泪水坠落 and I heard you cry 而且听到你的哭抽泣声 all you need is time 亲爱的,你需要的是时间 seek me and you shall find 找觅到我你才会发现 you have everything and you're still lonely 你拥有了全世界但是你仍然孤寂 it don't have to be this way 其实生活并非如许 let me show you a better day 让我为你描画一个更好的明天 and then you will see 随后你会发现 the morning will come 破晓即将拂晓 and everyday will be bright as the sun 每一天都是阳光普照 all of your fears 所有的恐惧与疑虑 cast them on me 请都交给我身上 I just want you to see 我只是想让你晓得: I’ll be your cloud up in the sky 我将是空中只属于你的那片云彩 I’ll be your shoulder when you cry 我的肩膀将在你哭抽泣时让你依靠 I’ll hear your voices when you call me,I am your angel 我会闻声你唤唤我的声音,我是你的天使 and when all hope is gone I’m here 即使所有的期看远离你我也会在你身边 no matter how far you are I’m near 无论你往向多远的异乡我也会近在天涯 it makes no difference who you are,I’m you angel 无论你是如何都不再重要,我是你的天使 I am your angel and when it's time to face the storm 狂风雨如期而至 I’ll be right by your side 我天然会站在你的身旁 grace will keep us safe and warm 神的宽大使我们平安而又温热 then know we will survive 我们末将幸免于难 and when it seems as if your end is drawing near 因为每当死神的气息即将降临 it's drawing near don't you dare give up the fight 万万别舍弃,请跟从我一路战斗 put your trust beyond the sky 用相互的相信掠过普通,飞翔在那天际。


   I’ll be your cloud up in the sky 我将是空中只属于你的那片云彩 I’ll be your shoulder when you cry 我的肩膀将在你哭抽泣时让你依靠 I’ll hear your voices when you call me,I am your angel 我会闻声你唤唤我的声音,我是你的天使 and when all hope is gone I’m here 即使所有的期看远离你我也会在你身边 no matter how far you are I’m near 无论你往向多远的异乡我也会近在天涯 it makes no difference who you are,I’m you angel 无论你是如何都不再重要,我是你的天使。


席琳迪翁的音乐 相关回复(1)


