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html+css+js实现生日快乐代码 超炫酷效果 (含生日布景音乐)❤520/剖明/七夕恋人节/求婚❤公用炫酷动画网页的源代码

法式员恋爱❤520/剖明/七夕恋人节/求婚❤公用html5+css3+js 生日快乐网站模板 HTML生日快乐祝愿网页模板,该模板有多种动态效果图,全局接纳蓝色粉饰,适用于给女伴侣的生日祝愿,只需简单修改,即可用网页生成翻开。html+css+js实现生日快乐代码 超炫酷效果 (含生日布景音乐)❤520/剖明/七夕恋人节/求婚❤公用炫酷动画网页的源代码

戳下方链接↓查看线上演示地址 1.生日快乐 (多页面html模板)★在线演示地址: 2.生日蛋糕 ★在线演示地址: 3.(生日快乐)蛋糕烟花+蓝色梦幻海洋3D相册 ★在线演示地址: 动态效果演示 HTML5庆贺生日蛋糕烟花特效 html代码 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>造做一个法式员的生日快乐代码</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style11.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/yanhua.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style2D.css"> </head> <body> <marquee style="position: fixed; top: 10px; color: #fff" scrollamount="10">Happy birthday! 生日快乐!</marquee> <marquee style="position: fixed; top: 20px; color: #ffd800" scrollamount="3">祝你生日快乐,天天高兴!</marquee> <marquee style="position: fixed; top: 50px; color: #00ff90" scrollamount="5">祝你生日快乐,没有懊恼!</marquee> <marquee style="position: fixed; top: 50px; color: #00ff90" scrollamount="5">祝你生日快乐,没有懊恼!</marquee> <marquee style="position: fixed; top: 50px; color: #00ff90" scrollamount="5">祝你生日快乐,没有懊恼!</marquee> <marquee style="position: fixed; top: 50px; color: #00ff90" scrollamount="5">祝你生日快乐,没有懊恼!</marquee> <marquee style="position: fixed; top: 50px; color: #00ff90" scrollamount="5">祝你生日快乐,没有懊恼!</marquee> <marquee style="position: fixed; top: 50px; color: #00ff90" scrollamount="5">祝你生日快乐,没有懊恼!</marquee> <main style="text-align:center;position:absolute;"> <ul class="star" style="--v: 1; --t: 1;"> <li style="--i: 0"></li> </ul> <ul style="--v: 2; --t: 8; --direction:reverse"> <li style="--i: 0"></li> <li style="--i: 1"></li> <li style="--i: 2"></li> <li style="--i: 3"></li> <li style="--i: 4"></li> <li style="--i: 5"></li> <li style="--i: 6"></li> <li style="--i: 7"></li> </ul> <ul style="--v: 3; --t: 12"> <li style="--i: 0"></li> <li style="--i: 1"></li> <li style="--i: 2"></li> <li style="--i: 3"></li> <li style="--i: 4"></li> <li style="--i: 5"></li> <li style="--i: 6"></li> <li style="--i: 7"></li> <li style="--i: 8"></li> <li style="--i: 9"></li> <li style="--i: 10"></li> <li style="--i: 11"></li> </ul> <ul style="--v: 4; --t: 18; --direction:reverse"> <li style="--i: 0"></li> <li style="--i: 1"></li> <li style="--i: 2"></li> <li style="--i: 3"></li> <li style="--i: 4"></li> <li style="--i: 5"></li> <li style="--i: 6"></li> <li style="--i: 7"></li> <li style="--i: 8"></li> <li style="--i: 9"></li> <li style="--i: 10"></li> <li style="--i: 11"></li> <li style="--i: 12"></li> <li style="--i: 13"></li> <li style="--i: 14"></li> <li style="--i: 15"></li> <li style="--i: 16"></li> <li style="--i: 17"></li> </ul> </ul> <p id="message" style="position:relative;margin-top:-40px;z-index:99999"> <img src="img/birthday.png" alt="Alternate Text" /> <br /> </p> </main> <div class="block-audio" style="z-index:10000;"> </div> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/index1.js"></script> <script src="js/script.js"></script> </body> </html> js代码 console.clear(); /* Play with these values! */ const PARTICLE_COUNT = 100; const SAFE_DISTANCE = 130; const INFECTED_DISTANCE = 15; const INFECTION_RATE = 0.25; const RECOVERY_TIME = 14000; const STAY_AT_HOME = 0.1; /* ---------------------------------- */ let particles = []; const STATUSES = { HEALTHY: "HEALTHY", INFECTED: "INFECTED", RECOVERED: "RECOVERED" }; const elBody = document.body; const elCanvas = document.querySelector("#canvas"); const ctx = elCanvas.getContext("2d"); let width, height; function resize() { width = elCanvas.width = elBody.clientWidth; height = elCanvas.height = elBody.clientHeight; } resize(); window.addEventListener("resize", resize); /* ---------------------------------- */ class Particle { constructor() { this.x = Math.random() * width; this.y = Math.random() * height; this.radius = 3; this.color = "white"; this.speed = Math.random() < STAY_AT_HOME ? 0 : 1; this.directionAngle = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360); this.vector = { x: Math.cos(this.directionAngle) * this.speed, y: Math.sin(this.directionAngle) * this.speed }; this.status = STATUSES.HEALTHY; if (Math.random() < INFECTION_RATE) { this.infect(); } } infect() { if ( this.status === STATUSES.INFECTED || this.status === STATUSES.RECOVERED ) { return; } this.color = "green"; this.status = STATUSES.INFECTED; setTimeout(() => { this.recover(); }, RECOVERY_TIME); } recover() { this.status = STATUSES.RECOVERED; this.color = "hotpink"; } draw(drawCtx) { drawCtx.beginPath(); drawCtx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2); drawCtx.closePath(); drawCtx.fillStyle = this.color; drawCtx.fill(); } update() { this.checkBoundaries(); this.x += this.vector.x; this.y += this.vector.y; } checkBoundaries() { if (this.x > width || this.x < 0) { this.vector.x *= -1; /* Ensure the dots are pushed inside */ this.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(width, this.x)); } if (this.y > height || this.y < 0) { this.vector.y *= -1; /* Ensure the dots are pushed inside */ this.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(height, this.y)); } } } /* ---------------------------------- */ function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var dx = x1 - x2; var dy = y1 - y2; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } function linkParticles(particle, otherParticles, drawCtx) { for (const p of otherParticles) { const d = distance(particle.x, particle.y, p.x, p.y); if (d > SAFE_DISTANCE) { continue; } // Infect other particle! if (particle.status === STATUSES.INFECTED && d < INFECTED_DISTANCE) { p.infect(); } const opacity = 0.8 - (d / SAFE_DISTANCE) * 0.8; drawCtx.lineWidth = 1; drawCtx.strokeStyle = particle.color; //rgba(255,255,255,${opacity})`; drawCtx.globalAlpha = opacity; drawCtx.beginPath(); drawCtx.moveTo(particle.x, particle.y); drawCtx.lineTo(p.x, p.y); drawCtx.closePath(); drawCtx.stroke(); drawCtx.globalAlpha = 1; } } 做好的网页效果,若何通过发链接给他人看? 1.1处理摆设上线~> 摆设上线东西(永久免费利用)

1.不需要买办事器就能摆设线上,全世界都能拜候你的毗连啦, 那里给各人保举一个法式员必备神器~ 插件集成了超等多好用的插件,免费下载安拆,简单易懂, 几乎神器 ~ 需要可在文章 ↓ 下方公Z号获取

2.就是把你的代码效果做好了以后, 摆设到线上, 把链接发给他人, 就能够让对方通过你的毗连点击进去, 就能看到你的网页效果啦, 电脑端和手机端都能够噢! (否则他人看你的网页都要发文件过去,体验感不太好哦~)

1.1摆设流程 1.2 哇~ 摆设胜利

哇~ 摆设胜利! 将你写好的页面摆设上线后, 全世界的人都能够通过链接拜候到你的网页了(永久免费利用哦)~

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❉ 2.存眷我~ 每天带你进修 :各类前端插件、3D炫酷效果、图片展现、文字效果、以及整站模板 、大学生结业模板 、期末高文业模板 、等! 「在那里有好多 前端 开发者,一路切磋 前端 Node 常识,互相进修」!

❉ 3.以上内容手艺相关问题能够彼此进修,可存眷↓公Z号 获取更多源码 !




HTML5浪漫生日祝愿电子贺卡网页模板(HTML5+CSS3+JS)_520剖明_七夕恋人节剖明_告白网页造做_生日快乐html模板 期待您的回复!


