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In the Measures for the Relevant Treatment of Foreigners' Permanent Residence in China (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"), it is stipulated that the foreigners who hold the Foreigners' Permanent Residence Permit in China (hereinafter referred to as the "PR" in China) shall, in principle, enjoy the same rights and undertake the same obligations as Chinese citizens, except for the specific rights and obligations that they cannot enjoy under the provisions of political rights and laws and regulations.


What is the convenience of entry and exit for people with PR?


Article 2 of the Measures stipulates that "there is no restriction on their period of stay in China, and they may enter and leave the country with a valid passport and a Permanent Residence Permit for Foreigners, without the need for additional procedures such as visas; their spouses and immediate family members may apply for the corresponding visas, residence permits or Permanent Residence Permits for Foreigners in accordance with the relevant regulations". Article 3 of the Measures stipulates that "articles for personal use entering or leaving the country shall be processed in accordance with the relevant customs regulations for settled passengers". According to the Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Supervision of Luggage and Articles of Passengers Entering and Leaving the Country (Order No. 9 of the General Administration of Customs), a "settled passenger" is a passenger who has obtained a certificate or approval document issued by the competent authorities of the People's Republic of China for entering or leaving the country for settlement and has moved to the country or abroad. Therefore, a foreigner who has obtained a Chinese "green card" and settled in China is a "settled passenger". Compared to the Chinese "resident visitor", a "settled visitor" is more likely to bring in daily necessities that he or she or his or her family needs during his or her stay in China.



How are children of PR holders treated in school?


Article 8 of the Measures stipulates that "children who have moved with them to the compulsory education stage may, if they meet the conditions, enjoy the relevant policies, and the education administration department of their place of residence shall handle the admission and transfer procedures in accordance with the principle of enrollment in the nearest school, without charging fees other than those stipulated by the State". This is the first time that the children of PR holders can receive compulsory education in their place of residence and enjoy the treatment of local residents. Since the admission requirements for foreign students at the tertiary level in China are more applicable to the children of foreign talents, the current policy is still in force.


How can PR holders participate in social security?


Article 9 of the Measures states that "Foreigners may use their Permanent Residence Permit as a valid identity document for the purpose of participating in social insurance procedures. If they are employed in China, they can participate in social insurance in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Social Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China; if they reside in China but are not employed, and if they meet the regulations of the co-ordinated region, they can participate in basic medical insurance for urban residents and social pension insurance for urban residents with reference to urban residents in China, and enjoy social insurance benefits. The social insurance agencies shall simplify the process and provide convenience in accordance with the relevant regulations for the transfer and termination of social insurance relations". Firstly, this article makes it clear that the PR can be used as a valid identity document to apply for insurance; secondly, as China's Social Security Law and its implementing regulations have included foreigners employed in China into the social security system in China, it is clear that the procedures are in accordance with the existing regulations; thirdly, it reflects the principle of "national treatment Thirdly, it reflects the principle of "national treatment" and clarifies that PR holders who live in China but are not employed can also participate in China's basic medical care for urban residents and social pension insurance for urban residents and enjoy social insurance treatment if they meet the relevant requirements; fourthly, it reflects the principle of "preferential treatment Fourthly, the principle of "preferential treatment" is reflected, and it is made clear that PR holders are provided with convenient procedures.



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