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In the process of applying for a Chinese permanent residence, the cluster of children is the simplest one of the application conditions. If one of the parents is Chinese nationality or Chinese permanent resident, and the child is under 18 years old and unmarried, the application can be applied for. After the application, the minor child will get a valid Chinese green card for five years, and it will not expire after reaching the age of 18. Many eligible parents have started to prepare permanent residence applications for their children. Among them, there are also special groups, namely adopted minor children.


People think that the permanent residence of parent-child cluster is only applicable to biological children. In fact, this is not true. It also applies to non-biological children. According to the "Administrative Measures for the Examination and Approval of Foreigners' Permanent Residence in China", Article 8 of the first point, the "unmarried children under the age of 18" mentioned in the Administrative Measures include unmarried children under the age of 18 who are recognized by Chinese laws as paternal (maternal) children and have custody responsibility with the reunited person.



But how to provide proof of kinship for adopted children?


In fact, there are provisions. For example, if an adoptive relationship is established in China, the adoption certificate shall be issued by the provincial civil affairs department; If an adoption relationship is established in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, a notarial certificate of adoption shall be issued by a notary (Hong Kong) entrusted by China; If an adoptive relationship is established in the Macao Special Administrative Region, the notary of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall issue a notarial certificate of adoption; If an adoptive relationship is established in Taiwan, the notary in Taiwan shall issue a notarial certificate of adoption; Similarly, if an adoptive relationship is established in a foreign country, the notary in the region of the country will issue a notarial certificate of adoption, which will take effect only after being authenticated by the embassy. This adoption notarial certificate is the proof of the relationship with the adoptive parents. With the proof of adoption relationship, the adopted children can also apply for the green card of China in the cluster of children.



收养子女能够申请中国永居吗? 期待您的回复!


