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1、牛津大学英语小我陈说范文 2、小我陈说英文范文 3、小我陈说范文英文写做 4、小我陈说陈述怎么写 牛津大学英语小我陈说范文



Mathematics has always fascinated me. From playing “shopkeeper” in primary school to my AS-level French speech, I have always found ways to apply my mathematical knowledge in various aspects of my life. My real love for Mathematics began in year seven when we began studying algebra, then progressed from primary school Mathematics to the building blocks of my A-level and future studies.

In Year 10, I was invited to study the Decision 1 module with a Sixth Form class. This opened up a new perspective on the subject, involving more than just the algebra and graph work I was studying for GCSE. The practical uses of this module showed another side of mathematical problem-solving than the more abstract UKMT Mathematical Challenges, whilst sharing the same logical thought process. Helping out with Year 6 Maths this year has been enjoyable, and I hope that I have inspired some of the girls to enjoy Maths as much as I do. After beginning Sixth Form proving Pythagoras’ theorem by various methods, I discovered Fermat’s last theorem. Having found it fascinating that such a seemingly simple statement can take so long to be proved, I began reading Simon Singh’s book on the topic. I found that both Fermat’s Theorem and the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture would either be proved or disproved by simply solving one of them. Although I have not yet studied enough Mathematics to fully appreciate this topic, it is something I look forward to studying in the future.

Along with Mathematics I also enjoy Physics, and since many topics in the two subjects are very similar, such as the equations of motion and resolving forces. Studying the equations of motion last year, I saw how they were derived from Mathematics, by finding gradients and areas under graphs. As part of the Engineering Education Scheme, I had to explain the use of maths and physics in our project to other students and engineers.

In my spare time, I regularly help out in the community. I have worked at Oxfam since year 10, where I do a wide range of jobs including cashing up and checking the takings for the week. After my GCSEs, I took part in the Millennium Volunteers Project, volunteering at CSV Media Clubhouse. Whilst there, I created various databases and worked on reception. Volunteering has greatly improved my confidence, leadership and teamwork skills, whilst enabling me to help others. I have also held editorial roles in two school magazines; both of which received the Searchlight Cup for Teamwork. This gave me experience of working to, and motivating others to meet deadlines, whilst producing a final product that we were all proud to have been a part of. Achieving my Brown Belt in Karate meant that I had to be dedicated to training up to four times a week, and also able to teach others in the class.

In October 2007, I won an internship at BT specialising in cross-media communications research. This was a rewarding experience, as I saw some of the new technology being developed, learnt how to write a report of my research findings, and made a 40-minute presentation on my experience at BT. I am not afraid of speaking in public, having given many whole-school assemblies. In summer, I achieved runner-up in the GDST Somerville and Gurney Essay competition, which was very different to the science and French I had been studying, but also presented some interesting topics to write about, drawing from both personal experience and current events.

I am looking forward to all the academic challenges at university, and know that I will make the most of university life to pursue my subject in the greatest depth possible.


Shelley's belief that poets are the "unacknowledged legislators of the world" might seem like an exaggeration to some people, but in my opinion, his essay "A Defence of Poetry" eloquently expresses the importance of poetry, and other forms of literature. Studying literature is intrinsically valuable, but it also helps to illuminate other aspects of culture. Writers, as Shelley observed, "apprehend the true and the beautiful" while reflecting the society in which they live. It is the catholic nature of literature that I find intriguing, which is why I am keen to study English Literature at a higher level.

I have enjoyed the English Literature A-Level course, with the variety of texts covered and the challenges of writing more sophisticated essays. I particularly enjoyed studying Keats's poetry, as I have a deep appreciation of the Romantics; I find the expression of Shelley's spiritual and political beliefs in his poetry especially interesting. I also read widely for pleasure, from Angela Carter's magic realist novels to the satirical writing of Evelyn Waugh. I have recently become interested in the work of English novelists from the modernist era, including Virginia Woolf and Patrick Hamilton. Hamilton's work has, I believe, been unfairly neglected; his astute observations of relationships and his ability to explore darker sides of human nature make him a writer worthy of study.

My own attempts at creative writing have helped me to appreciate the challenges of writing novels, and to understand the thoughts and intentions of certain novelists. I admire "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov and Gunter Grass's "The Tin Drum" in particular, the former as a "love letter to the English language" and the latter for its playful, subversive style and idiosyncratic narrator. Through the voice of Oskar Matzerath, Grass conveys the horrors of Nazism, but reminds the reader that in spite of Hitler's nihilistic attitude towards the arts, creativity could not be suppressed, thus conveying both the true and the beautiful.

Attending performances of plays by Euripides ("The Bacchae" and "Women of Troy" as well as seeing "King Lear" at the Globe and an adaptation of one of my favourite novels, Patrick Hamilton's "Hangover Square", has increased my appreciation and understanding of the texts. I also subscribe to the "Times Literary Supplement", which has helped me to discover new critical approaches to literature, as well as enabling me to learn of important new publications.

My other A-Level subjects complement my study of English Literature very well. Writing History essays has encouraged me to develop my analytical skills, and I believe that reading the works of classical writers such as Homer and Sophocles is essential for any English Literature student.

I have a wide variety of interests, and spend much of my spare time visiting art galleries and museums. Furthermore, I have found taking part in the "Share the Care" project, which involves helping a fourteen year old disabled girl to gain more independence, extremely rewarding.

English Literature, for me, is not merely an academic subject but an interest which influences many different areas of my life, whether I am reading significant works of the Victorian canon or writing my thoughts on novels in my reading journal. Consequently, I am thoroughly looking forward to the prospect of studying English Literature at university.


The bell has just tolled the hour. It is 11pm now. I have just got back from the library. After having a cup of tea, I am happy to find time to write my personal statement.

If asked to describe myself in the briefest way, I’d say: a keen language learner. I’ve been studying the ancient Chinese for over 15 years, English 11 years, Spanish 3 years, and French and Japanese, each for a semester. Linguistics being my primary interest and sole concern in my life, Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), China’s leading institution in language teaching and linguistics studies, is where I come from.

Majoring in English, I currently rank within the top five students among 90 peers in the department. Given that my first year GPA was only mediocre, the progress I’ve made is truly remarkable. More important, I have studied Linguistics in a broad range that goes beyond the knowledge covered in class. Generally I regard language study as the center of my interests and explore its interface with peripheral areas, such as sociology, psychology and philosophy.

Initially attracted to General Linguistics, I audited classes in the graduate program of Linguistics at BFSU when I was a sophomore and became an avid student in subjects such as lexis, semantics, syntax, and morphology. Among all my readings, it is William Labov’s early work on class-based variation in the speech of New York and elsewhere that impressed me most, which compelled me to delve deeper into the field of Sociolinguistics. Last semester, I worked as a research assistant to Professor Qian Qiang at Beijing University in Conversation Analysis. Currently I am working on two research papers, namely, ‘Age as a non-linguistic variable’ and ‘Conversation analysis of online students at BFSU’. Forever exploring new horizons, I also study Second Language Acquisition, based on my professional experiences.

My professional experiences began as an International News Editor in the Beijing Television Station in April 2001. My main responsibility back then was to translate and edit English news into Chinese news format and to dub the English news. In July 2001, I joined the Beijing Global Translation and Consulting Company setup by Yang Lixin, Professor of English with BFSU. Our translation group in the company currently research in the field of Translation Method, or more specifically, Translation of Insurance English to Chinese and related Quantitative Methods. Besides, I am a Teaching Assistant in the Institute of Online Education at BFSU, designing and hosting the online oral English class every week.

These experiences have nourished passionate love of languages in my heart since a long time ago. It is my belief that humans need to study language more. I appreciate that saying from French anthropologist Levi Strauss, “To say language is to say society.” Linguistics is such a subject that is never isolated from other subjects, and instead, it is a unified one that goes beyond the realms of culture and generation. It can reach the soul of wit. It is my great honor that I have had it as a faithful company for all these years.

My personal objective is to attain a Ph.D in Linguistics and to become an expert in this field so as to contribute to the development of linguistics as a discipline in Chinese universities and colleges. I’d highly appreciate your favorable consideration on my application, and it is my cherished dream that some day, when asked to describe myself in the briefest way, I can proudly say: I am a linguist.




My interest in international Affairs was derived from my intention of facilitating the communications between cultures. In my opinion, the different cultures’ involvement in international affairs is closely related to the flawed cultural integration hence some bad relations. With four years of university life in Hong Kong, where eastern and western cultures conflict and integrate at the same time, I deeply understood the positive effect of harmonious international relations and the severe consequences of cultural misunderstandings. As a result, I have made my mind to devote myself to prompting the cross-cultural communications while eliminating the stereotypes and misunderstandings. To be specific, I would love to become a writer, a translator or an editor who works as a bridge, connecting people and their cultures.

With my ardent interest in cross-culture communications and international studies, plus the ambition of alleviating misunderstandings, I chose the major of Translation and Interpretation in undergraduate at City University of Hong Kong. Being self-disciplined, independent and highly-motivated, I strived to equip myself as best as I could. In addition to the harsh training and practice at school, I also spent my spare time exploring extra-curriculum books in various fields, aiming to enlarge my knowledge scope and widen my horizon. My dedication paid off as I got relatively remarkable grades for most courses, especially communication related ones, such as an A for Translation for the Media, an A- for Theory of Translation, an A- for Advanced Consecutive Interpretation (English to Putonghua), etc. In the past few years, my GPA for the core courses was 3.33 (overall: 3.22).

Apart from academic performance on campus, I took a few internships which were all related to cultural communications. I was referred by my professor to work as a conference interpreter for the symposium named Future Culture [In]tangible Heritage, which was hosted by the Hong Kong advanced Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Studies. Our team earned a widely-acknowledged reputation for our interpretation services. This experience not only enriched my professional experience and knowledge, but gave me a lesson on teamwork as well. Moreover, when I saw the scholars from Dunhuang Academy and British Library, who did not know each

other’s language or culture, talked fluently with my help, I was fascinated by the magic of words and languages, which firmed my decision of my career choice.

Born and raised up in a culturally rich area, I have always felt called upon to present my hometown’s culture accurately and adequately. As a trail to achieve my goal, I worked for a local firm in my hometown in order to promote the cultural heritage to the visitors. I helped receive and interpret for a few distinguished guests including the group of Nobel Laureates as well as the Premier from Rwanda. I also drafted the English script for the introduction which was played in the electronic guide. Our team’s work was appreciated by the guests as well as the company.

Firmly believing in the importance of cross-cultural communications, I have made my mind to stimulate the cultural exchange and integration worldwide. To make this objective come true, I need to master appropriate skills and persistently deepen my understanding of international studies. Bearing in mind what I am seeking for, I hope the MA in Global Affairs at Jackson Institute to be my next stop. Its courses like The Next China, Strategy, Technology and War, The UN and International Security will enable me to improve my knowledge structure which is instrumental to future goal attainment. And its concentration on International Security Studies will accelerate my pursuit of career aspirations. Besides, its unique Research and Summer Internship or Employment will help me enrich my practical experiences in the field of cross-cultural communication. I am confident that, prepared with adequate competitiveness and capacities, I will be an active and contributive member of the Jackson MA International Relations program.


Management Personal Statement

I would like to apply to do a Management degree. Having acted as Managing Director on a Young Enterprise Team whilst doing my ‘AS’ levels, I came up with innovative ideas that made a very successful company. Having held management positions within Human Resources, Operations, and Finance, I quickly realised that pursuing a management degree at university would be ideal for me.

After my GCSE’s, I held a temporary job as a junior in an Insolvency practice, in order to gain work experience. Having to work to tight deadlines taught me how to work

independently as part of a professional team. I learnt that in business, if one person lacks productivity, then everyone else can suffer, and also how to motivate others as a means of preventing such issues. I used the skills learnt to enhance my role as the Managing Director of my young Enterprise company, particularly methods of motivation and delegation, and the significance of being accountable for others. Having spent nearly three years working part time in a Health food shop alongside my studies, I developed my communication skills, with both colleagues and customers, and proved to be a trustworthy employee.

Being appointed as Deputy Head Boy in the sixth form was a great honour to me. My skills were greatly enhanced by holding this position, as I would often have to listen, and respond to issues brought up by fellow prefects, and students lower down the school. Through activities such as Lunch duty, I learnt the worth of different leadership skills, and that it is important to treat everyone as an individual in order to get results. I was always keen to stay into the evening to help out at school events.

Socialising is very important to me, and I am always keen to meet new people. I enjoy trying

new foods to increase my knowledge of different cultures, and my culinary skills will prove very useful in independent university life. I enjoy travelling, and learning about modern history. Having recently returned from Prague, I visited a concentration camp. This was a moving experience for me, and something I will never forget. Music is one of my biggest hobbies, and I use music to help me unwind and reflect on things. I use the internet to keep up with current affairs and sports news.

I have always been a keen sportsman, representing my school in many sporting activities. I enjoy running, particularly competing in sprint races, but also long distance running as a means of keeping fit. I always try to go for a run every evening, during breaks between my A Level studies. I represented my school as a keen member of the district and Maccabi Great Britain athletics teams, particularly in the relay. I formally played tennis and table tennis in national competitions, and more recently I have played in football, rugby, and cricket leagues outside of school.

I believe that my experiences have prepared me for independent university life. My social skills together with my ambition to succeed in life prove me to be good candidate for a Management Degree.


自述,也即Personal Statement, 是所有出国文件中最重要的部门,它是申请者最次要的自我包拆。申请被登科和经济帮助就是要把本身推销给评审者。你的重任是让那一文件反映你的个性和才智。写自述即便对以英语为母语的北美学生也是颇操心力的工作,对中国申请者来说,用英语写做原来就是困难的事,更何况自述是为了表示和包拆本身,有违我们的文化风俗,写起来往往备感食 力。中国申请者往往没有面谈的时机,那份文件因而愈发显得重要。

我们要忠告所有的申请者,你必需挠 住时机,足够 并且恰到好处地表示你的人格力量、伶俐 和已获得的成就。在此文件的创做中要花大量的精神,决不克不及知难而进,轻率处置。你已经破费了多年的心血,完成了大学以至是研究生的进修,你也可能又在随后的工做岗位上积存 了贵重的体味 ,如今又通过艰辛卓绝的勤奋,胜利地考过了TOEFL和GRE。然而,你的使命并没有完毕。你必需静下心来,有条不紊地处置多种文件,而此中自述是重中之重。

如何实正地把此项工做当做重中之重呢?那并非赶紧往 习一本所谓规范然后照着抄,而是要借此时机严厉 、认实和全面审阅 本身的才气、潜能、出国留学的目标。那种对本身的才能、憧憬 和逃求的深入 的领会是写好自述的根底。根据 编者在国外肄业、工做的体味 ,能够那么说,在写好自述那件事上,中国留学生能够说是赶上了一个深条理并且是严重的文化差别。所谓"深条理"就是说那个差别不是西方人饮 咖啡中国人饮 茶、西方人称"Darling"而中国人称"孩子他妈"那样简单。

北美的许许多多的"雇主"-----大学的登科评审者,确实长短常重视求职者、肄业者对本身能否领会,对本身的前途和目标 能否明白。在他们的文化中,如许的自我领会被视为是人的程度 中很重要的一部门。他们的文化同时也非常重视对本身的领会和对目标 的逃求做出个性化的表达才能。本文并非要讨论文化问题,而是力图以最短的篇幅给读者以更大的适用批示 。本软件编者更大遗憾就是申请者把写做自述一事当做例行公事而轻率应付。北美教导 机构的权要主义经常 更甚于我国,但要求写自述,确实不是例行公事,而是给申请者一次表示本身的时机。读者切记,如许的表示必然要富有个性。

如何揣度 自述能否反映了个性呢?最简单的就是看第二小我能否能写出一样的或是差不多的内容。实正的富有个性的毛遂自荐是不成能与其他的信相同的。虽然有许多人有着看上往 类似的肄业、求职履历,但是每小我对进修、工做、事业和别人的感触感染应该是独有的并且也应该是特殊 的。即便两小我所有的进修和工做履历都不异,也都方案往 统一个范畴里进修,引发他们对该学科感兴致 的外部事物和心里感触感染也肯定是有区此外。所以,在我们谈到写做自述其他重视 事项之前,起首要求读者要独具创意。在写做自述的时候,认实而全面地审阅 本身的办法就是默默地自问如下问题:

1. 对所要申请的学校和专业能否有了深进 详尽的领会,能做到在写自述时紧扣

学校和专业的要求及特征 ,凸起本身申请的优势?

2. 我的人生履历中有什么特殊 的、非同通俗 的处所?在我的家庭生活和社会生活中有哪些人或事务影响了我的人生看 和事业逃求?那些影响有什么不同凡响的处所?

3. 我最后是若何对目前所选专业感兴致 的?我在其后的岁月中又是若何加深了对那一学科范畴的熟悉 ?我在那一范畴已经获得了什么样的功效 ?是什么因素使我自信,可以在那一范畴有所建树?

4. 在上学期间我处置了那些助教、助研、社会理论、暑期工做?通过那些活动在什么方面得到了进步(好比科研才能、组织才能和指导才能等)?在步进 社会后的工做中完成过什么项目,获得了哪些成就,表示出多么才气 ?

5. 我的最末的事业目标 是什么?

6. 在我多年来的测验功效 上有没有需要阐明 的处所?例如说我大学功效 不断很优良,但GRE功效 却不怎么抱负;我高年级的功效 能否比低年级的功效 有显著的进步?

7.在自我斗争的过程中能否需要征服 超凡的困难,如家庭生活贫苦、身体残疾等等?

8. 我能否具备出色的操行 ,好比诚恳 ,可靠、仁慈、吃苦等等,而我能否供给实凭实据来加以证明 ?我能否具备值得一提的很好的特殊 的工做习惯和立场,以及禀性上的优势。

9. 我具备什么样的特殊 才气,如阐发才能、指导才气和交换才气?我为什么比此外申请者更具有在事业上胜利的掌握?

要答复那些问题确实是不随便 的,但你必需在正式写做自述之前全面预备 ,对那些问题加以认实根究 ,因为你的自述需要答复所有那些问题或此中的大部门。

对内容有了掌握后,就是要重视 写做身手 了。那里说的写做身手 不是英语程度的问题,而是写做的构想 、取材和段落的安放 。写自述的更大隐讳就是写得毫无特色、枯燥乏味。要晓得每一个登科评审委员需要阅读成百上千份自述,此中大大都的自述的内容都是相同的,他们不成能有时间、精神和力量在平平中觅 觅 不通俗 ,勤奋发掘 你的优良 之处。要写得夺目,挠 住读者的重视 力,那个责任完全在于你本身。

所以,自述的第一段或者是前二段至为重要。那头一、二段必需可以引起读者对你的兴致 ,而且可以得到关于你小我的最重要的信息。假设 你的头一、二段的内容中有闪光之处,可以给人留下不成磨灭的印象,那就到达了更佳效果。绝大大都的申请者的确实确有着类似的学历和工做布景,并且如今又逃求一个配合的目标 :攻读研究生。在如许的情状 下,读者应该不难想见,不管我们是汉语,仍是用英语,描述本身的履历和逃求的语汇和句式毕竟会趋势相同。编者所强调的"特殊 性",决不是仅指在语言上要独树一帜。获得特殊 性的更重要的有两个办法:一是觅 觅 特殊 的思惟办法或者说是审阅 本身的特殊 角度,二是在陈说过程中摘 用故事手法。

摘 取第一个办法时我们从多种角度着眼确定文章的基调,我们在此对三种较常见的类型写做时所应遵照的战略停止简要阐述:

1. 征服 生活中的顺境型:Peterson's Guide中曾经登载的一封外国人申请时写的自述,做者的家庭布景是麻烦的、不识英文的第一代亚裔移民。做者没有回避本身多花了几年时间才完成大学的教导 而且功效 较差那一惨痛的事实,而是就此问题展开对本身的介绍。他的家庭贫苦,做为长子肩负搀扶帮助 父母抚育年幼的妹妹的重任。如许,完成大学教导 对他来说需要艰辛卓绝的勤奋。因而,通过他的论述,一位斗争不息、吃苦耐劳并具有高度责任感的年轻人的形象跃然纸上。

那位做者申请的学校是法学院,难度加大,但做者有力地陈说了他的理由:他的父母像许多亚裔移民一样,欠亨英文,更不懂在美国用法令的手段来庇护本身的权益。他如今申请读法学院,目标就是为了未来可以运用法令的兵器庇护 在美国少数族裔的权益。

如许的信读起来动人至深,做者当然也被登科了。胜利之处就在于做者能用特殊 的角度来对待本身的履历和逃求的目标 。他所陈说的履历、思惟和感触感染与其人生斗争的目标 到达了高度的同一。

在写那种在顺境中奋起的自述时,应通过用事实来描述过往 的履历及其对本身的肄业、事业和人生目标 的正面影响,但切忌耽于自我同情 ,或因一种训斥评判的体例使文章显得充满 怨气。

2. 自我生长型:那种 申请人在生活、学业和工做上虽不成制止地会碰着 挫折,但相对来说,他们的生活停止得比力一帆风顺。写那种自述必然要用正面、必定的语气,清晰 、精炼,同时又要足够 、多方面地展现本身特殊 的才智、事业和肄业的逃求标的目的。

3. 家庭影响型:那种情状 下能够是好的家庭布景对申请者产生了正面的影响,也能够是困难或欠好的家庭情况感化于申请者,使之深思而奋发图强。写正面的影响时重视 不要过火衬着家庭的搀扶帮助 ,催促领导感化,因为如许的做者往往不知不觉中会给评审人留下一种自我欠缺 主意和动力的印象。同样,写欠好家庭的布景时,也不要太多着墨于那些问题,重要的是凸起本身不随遇而安、屈服命运安放 的精神和志向。




Personal Statement

My name is Zhangjing, I come from Tangshan Polytechnic College. I’m a teacher. I majored in Electrical Engineering. I have been taking specialized course teaching work since the work. I mainly have taught Fundamentals of Electric and Electronic Engineering,,electronic CAD.

Now, I am very glad to have the opportunity to go to Dublin Institute of Technology for further study, this study will give me a new breakthrough in my expertise and teaching method .I will learn the professional courses of the major in mechano-electronics .Through systematic study, First, I will have new harvest in my professional knowledge,and can learn the method of comprehensive application of specialized knowledge .In the future, I will be very good to complete the task. Then, what’s more, I want to learn their advanced teaching methods and open education concept. It will be very helpful to my job in the future. I can use reasonly the education theory, improve teaching method, and gain good teaching result . foster more qualified talents for our nation.

I really cherish this opportunity and wish that I will arrive in Dublin for my study as scheduled.Thank you very much!


Personal Statement

I have been greatly fascinated by chemistry since my first exposure to the Periodic Table of Elements. The natural order of the first 12 elements, discovered approximately 450 years ago, made it possible for the elements to be placed on a chart consisting of rows and columns, such that elements sharing a column were discovered to have similar characteristics. This led Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleyev to predict the existence of the element with the atomic number 32, germanium, as well as its colour, weight, density, and melting point. The predicted elements have since been discovered and I was greatly marvelled at this feat amongst many others. My interest in chemistry has been further stimulated as I have continued to learn more about the characteristics of the individual elements, the nature of their atoms, and how they form familiar chemical compounds that are particularly critical to the existence of life and the practice of medicine.

Arriving at the decision to study Applied Chemistry took me quite some time. This was because I was determined to find out where my interests really lie as I excelled in most of my Science subjects. However, I knew that I love experimenting in Chemistry and also that it is one of my favourite subjects. I dutifully attended a number of career sessions and open days for science subjects at various universities, and the ones focussing on Chemistry left a lasting impression on me. Also, I took time to visit one or two commercial chemistry-oriented laboratories in my area to talk with the chemists there. Their experiences have reinforced my love for the subject. They helped me to understand the wide variety of careers available for a graduate with a good knowledge of Chemistry, i.e. research, pharmaceuticals, and even environmental management. The prospect of a career in research and pharmaceuticals is of great interest to me. At this point, I was finally convinced that studies in Chemistry and a career in research in the same subject is what I wanted to pursue, this is largely due to my love for Chemistry as a science.

My interest in Chemistry was consolidated by my work experience at ChangZhou University Chemistry Department. The more advanced Chemistry I was

exposed to – in textbooks, discussions and practical work ensured me that I would be interested in degree level Chemistry. My work mainly consisted of brominating an aromatic, which would produce an intermediate for stem-cell research. This taught me valuable practical skills, such as the use of Schlenk apparatus, column separation and rotary evaporation. Working with a research team made me particularly attracted to courses offering an opportunity to take part in research. Using analytical machinery, such as NMR, on compounds that I had produced excitingly brought what had been theory in a textbook into practical reality. The desire for more of these moments is one of my main motivations for studying Chemistry. In addition, I regularly engage in further reading online, e.g. the Oxford pre-University Chemistry Course. This has expanded my interest in Chemistry syllabus.

Nevertheless, I am acutely aware that, in the research fields I am interested in, there are still so many difficult subjects and challenges awaiting for solution. In physical chemistry, China is relatively backward in the fields of catalyst development, catalyst inactivation, reaction dynamics, reaction mechanism, geochemical reaction mechanism, environmental-chemical reaction mechanism. In analytical chemistry, China lags relatively behind its Western counterparts in areas such as instrumental analysis and theoretical analytical chemistry. Basically, China relies on import for large-scale analytical instruments. By contrast, the United States has many world-leading academic specialists and encourages interdisciplinary programs. It will accord me a stimulating and liberal academic environment, apart from the sophisticated research facilities. Rice University is my top priority in applying for a Ph.D. program and I choose to specialize in physical chemistry or in analytical chemistry.

At Rice University, I plan to learn broader-based foundational theories in my chosen fields. With my solid interdisciplinary knowledge and my ability for the quick assimilation of new knowledge, I intend to secure for myself a RA status to directly start my laboratory research under the guidance of my future advisor. I can also work as TA so that I can study while teaching and conducting my internship. I can apply, test and consolidate the theoretical knowledge that I acquire in the process of

internship and degree program. Finally, through theoretical study and scientific research, I would endeavor to produce a well-written dissertation in which I hope to achieve some breakthroughs on both the theoretical and the research level.

After obtaining my Ph.D. degree, I intend to enter one of the top research institutes to delve deeper into some challenging subjects and to achieve some research fruits. After accumulating certain research experience at an actual research institute, I plan to return to China to work as a professor at a leading Chinese university, a position which will enable me to train many more academic professionals in physical or analytical chemistry. At the same time, I will also dedicate myself to turning my laboratory research results into yet more patents and inventions, which can further be developed into products with pragmatic applications.

My passion for Chemistry stems from an appetite to understand the physical world around me, and I eagerly anticipate the enhancement of understanding that degree level Chemistry will bring.




Personal Statement

My interest in international Affairs was derived from my intention of facilitating the communications between cultures. In my opinion, the different cultures’ involvement in international affairs is closely related to the flawed cultural integration hence some bad relations. With four years of university life in Hong Kong, where eastern and western cultures conflict and integrate at the same time, I deeply understood the positive effect of harmonious international relations and the severe consequences of cultural misunderstandings. As a result, I have made my mind to devote myself to prompting the cross-cultural communications while eliminating the stereotypes and misunderstandings. To be specific, I would love to become a writer, a translator or an editor who works as a bridge, connecting people and their cultures.

With my ardent interest in cross-culture communications and international studies, plus the ambition of alleviating misunderstandings, I chose the major of Translation and Interpretation in undergraduate at City University of Hong Kong. Being self-disciplined, independent and highly-motivated, I strived to equip myself as best as I could. In addition to the harsh training and practice at school, I also spent my spare time exploring extra-curriculum books in various fields, aiming to enlarge my knowledge scope and widen my horizon. My dedication paid off as I got relatively remarkable grades for most courses, especially communication related ones, such as an A for Translation for the Media, an A- for Theory of Translation, an A- for Advanced Consecutive Interpretation (English to Putonghua), etc. In the past few years, my GPA for the core courses was 3.33 (overall: 3.22).

Apart from academic performance on campus, I

Personal Statement

Compared to my peers, I was exposed to the mystery of computer very early. Before I began my study in the preliminary school, I was sent to a night school to attend a course about the computer. There I learned about the DOS system and 3.5 inch soft disk. When I began my first year in the middle school, my family bought the first computer- a 586(windows 98) for me and that’s when my interests in computer systems and software first started to grow.

From that time on, I have always been fascinated by the mysterious nature of science, especially math and physics. Therefore after I finished my middle school, I chose a university which is very strong in science and engineering------ Zhejiang University. However, my marks didn’t allow me to choose my favorite major Electric Automation. Instead, I was designated to the college of foreign language studies, learning English. But I didn’t give up. I was able to keep my excellent performance in English study (being awarded as the Outstanding students in Academy, Morality and PE in 2004-2005) while taking a lot of other classes related to electrical and computer engineering such as Digital Circuit, Analog Ciucuit, Programming Language VB and C; Web designing software Frontpage and so on. I was really busting my ass off studying. I was so determined to show that I deserved better that I even lost lots of my hair which is caused by a slight nerve breakdown. But that didn’t stop me either.

Meanwhile, I was also very active in non-academic areas. I won the Award of Merit in the 9th FLTRP Cup English Debating contest in 2004; I was chosen to represent our university to take part in the 2005 Shakespeare Festival (a stage opera contest) hosted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong; I won the second place in the Foreign Songs Singing Competition at our university in 2005; I joined the volunteer group in our college and did a lot of volunteer work during my first two years in college, including doing translation at the World Leisure EXPO hosted by the city of Hangzhou in 2006.

After graduation, I stayed at the university, working for its Education

took a few internships which were all related to cultural communications. I was referred by my professor to work as a conference interpreter for the symposium named Future Culture [In]tangible Heritage, which was hosted by the Hong Kong advanced Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Studies. Our team earned a widely-acknowledged reputation for our interpretation services. This experience not only enriched my professional experience and knowledge, but gave me a lesson on teamwork as well. Moreover, when I saw the scholars from Dunhuang Academy and British Library, who did not know each



本人的性格属于活泼开朗型却又不失谦虚 稳重,充满 活力,待人热诚热情,有较强的现实脱手才能、团队协做精神和沟通寒暄才能,凡事能食 苦耐劳,适应性与应变性都很强。



时间涉猎了大量剖解学、心理学、营养学等等一系列与专业靠边的常识,相信 在以后理论与理论连系的过程中定能有更超卓的表示。


同时我也是一个独立的人,在校期间各类xx勤奋 肯干、食 苦耐劳,在赚取生活费的同时学到了如何在当今弱肉强食的社会中保存,大白了许多为人处世的事理,那对我的人生来说是一笔不小的财产,有助于在将来驱逐新挑战更能游刃有余。

两年的校园生活和一年的社会理论让我不竭的挑战自我、充分自我,为人生书写了华贵 的篇章。面临过往 ,只能根究 评判 ;面临如今,便要勤奋拼搏;面临将来,我等待并时刻预备 驱逐挑战。


一、多谈进修收获 。

既然是对本身进修阶段的总结,就应该多谈一谈进修上的收获 ,并且,每个学生对进修收获 方面的熟悉 是差别的,我们从那方面能够看出思惟。

二、感激教师培育提拔 。

学生的进修天然是离不开教师的辛勤培育提拔 的,是教师的耐烦 教导 才让我们从年少蒙昧逐步走向了成熟稳重,成为了一个优良 的学生。

三、表示思惟境域 。

我们读书是为了国度的富贵 强盛 ,那一点必然要凸起出来,那也是现代学生应该具备的爱国主义情操,争做一名有抱负、有道德、有文化、有规律的勤学生。


学生假设 只会读书是不敷的,还应该多参与 一些社会理论,特殊 是为一些需要搀扶帮助 的人献出本身的爱心,如许的事例会让你的陈述加分。


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