阅读理解才能是高考考察的重点,自始至末占着主导地位,而且有逐年增加的趋向。那么英语阅读理解有什么解题身手 ?下面是我整理的英语阅读理解的解题身手 的相关内容,欢送阅读。
历年高测验题阅读理解命题特征 和法例 【1】
选材多源于英文报刊和收集媒体,包罗名人轶事、汗青传说、民间故事、寓言、诙谐小品、日常生活、新闻报导、社会布景、政治经济、史地常识、科普文章等各个方面的常识,而且具有明显的英语语言文化特征 和深挚 的时代气息。
阅读素材 能够是论述、描写、利用 、阐明 、议论等体裁皆备。
高考的文章大约有3%摆布的生词,须根据 上下文或整篇文章才气做出揣度。
同时也检测考生操纵构词法常识揣测 词义的才能。
4.试题设想精致 ,骚乱 项体例程度高
阅读理解的才能要求,次要是通过短文后面的多项抉择 题停止检测的。
总体说来,其才能 要求次要包罗如下几方面:
1.读素材 的大旨和大意,以及用以阐明 大旨和大意的事实和细节(包罗根据 上下文揣度生词的词义);
4.既理解某句,某段的含义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此停止推理和揣度 ;
5.既能根据 所供给的信息往 理解,也能连系中学生应有的常识往 理解。
阅读理解回 纳为以下四大题型阐发【2】
做此类试题必然要挠 住事务发作的时间、地点、人物、开展过程和结局等环节,所选谜底必然要契合原文,切不成看 文生义。
①Which of the following is true/NOT true in the passage?
②Which of the following statements is NOT discussed/mentioned in the passage?
③Which is the right order of the events given in the passage?
④All the following statements are NOT true except .
细节题的破解一般摘 用觅 读法,即先看试题,再读文章。
对有关信息停止快速定位,再将相关信息停止整合、鉴别、阐发、比照,有根有据地肃清 骚乱 项,选出准确谜底。
此法加强了阅读的针对性,进步了做题的准确 率,节约 了贵重的时间。
觅 读法还特殊 适用于对图形表格类题材的理解。
做此类型的标题问题还要特殊 重视 句子的逻辑关系。
英语中有许多功用词,如:表因果关系的because, since, as等;表转折关系的but, however ,on the contrary, on the other hand等等。
Ⅱ.揣测 词义题
在高考阅读题中,考生碰着 的更大障碍 往往有两个:一是被已熟悉 的单词的某一熟知含义所误导;二是被完全不熟悉 的单词的意思所障碍,从而呈现理解误差或理解困难,影响阅读的速度。
其实处理那两个困难的`一个重要法宝是考生在心目中树立起上下文看 念,要学会"顺藤摸瓜",通过构词,语法,定义,同位,比照,因果,常识,上下文等线索确定词义。
在阅读解题时要重视 从以下七个方面动手:
1)根据 定义或阐明 、阐明 揣测 生词的词义
在be,be called,call等揣度 词呈现的揣度 句中,或定语从句及标点符号,能够根据 已知部门,揣测 生词的含义。
例如: The herd *** an, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year.通过理解定语从句的意思,能猜出herd *** an是“牧人”。
2)根据 比照关系揣测 生词的词义
在but,however,yet,otherwise,though那些表达 意义转折的连词呈现的句子中,其前后的词有明显的比照关系,根据 已知的内容,通过那种比照关系,就很随便 猜出生词的词义了。
例如: Though Tom’s face has been washed quite clean, his neck still remains grubby. 和clean意思相对的即是“龌龊的”了,因而可猜出句中grubby的意思是“龌龊的”
3)通过因果关系揣测 词义
because, since与as是毗连原因状语从句的隶属连词,so是毗连表达 成果的状语从句的连词,so...that与such...that中的that是毗连成果状语从句的。
例如:She wanted the hairdresser to trim her hair a bit because it was too long. 根据 because从句所讲的意思,我们就可揣度 trim就是“修剪”之意。
4)根据 生活常识揣测 词义
运用逻辑推理才能,本身的生活体味 及生活常识。
例如:Most of the roses are beginning to wither because of the cold. 根据 句子意思及生活体味 ,wither表达 “枯萎”。
5)根据 同等关系揣测 词义
明显的标记是,如许的词组或短语中间经常 用并列连词and或or来毗连。
例如: At forty-two he was in his prime and always full of energy. 从“年龄42岁”以及与prime具有同等关系的full of energy能够猜出prime的意思是“盛年期间”。
6)根据 列举的事例揣测 词义
You can take any of the periodicals: “The World of English”. “Foreign Language Teaching in Schools”, or “English Learning”. 从后面列举的例子中,能够猜出periodical是“期刊,杂志”的意思。
7)根据 构词法常识揣测 词义
根据 学过的构词法常识,晓得词根和前缀或后缀的意义,就可猜出由它们构成的新词词义。
Ⅲ.推理揣度 题
做那类题要求考生在阅读理解整体语篇的同时,又要肄业生对做者的立场、企图及文章细节的开展做准确的推理揣度 ,力图从做者的角度往 考虑,不要固守本身的观点或看 点。
不要主看 臆断,凭梦想象,肆意发扬 ,而走进 误区。
学生要学会运用主题句往 揣度 、揣测文字背后做者的企图,运用回 纳、比照、演绎技能,运用布景常识往 发掘文章深层含义,从而准确理解做者的弦外之音,同时认实体味文章的语气与豪情基调(如:否认、厌恶、反问、挖苦等)。
①What can you conclude/ imply from this passage?
②What’s the author’s attitude(立场)towards...?
③We can infer /learn from the passage that...
那种题型要求考生可以掌握文章的总体,并实正理解主题和中心;要求能较好地运用归纳综合、揣度 、回 纳、推理等逻辑思维办法解题,难度加大,属于高条理题。
1.确定文章的题目和主题(title or topic)
要确定文章题目,起首,要在阅读原文的根底上,考虑题目能否与主题密切 相关;其次,看题目能否能归纳综合全文内容。
不克不及只归纳综合短文中的某些事实或细节;然后,要重视 题目范畴 不该太大或太小;最初,题目应精练 并能吸引读者。
即:1、特殊 别致 2、归纳综合性强 3、短小精炼。
1) The best title/ headline for this passage might be________.
2) The text (passage) could be entitled ______.
3) What is the best title for the passage?
4) What’s the topic of the article?
2. 主题句(topic sentence)及大旨大意(main idea)的归纳综合
此句喊 做主题句。
一般来说,阐明 文订定合同论文都有主题句,并且多位于文章的开头,有时也位于文章的中间或末尾。
但有时不克不及在文中间接找到主题句,要求读者掌握每段的主题句,弄清段于段之间逻辑关系的根底上本身回 纳总结。
文章或段落的其他句子都是对主题句的进一步阐明 ,阐明 ,论证或扩展.
1) What is the topic sentence of the passage?
2) This article/text/passage mainly tells that _________.
3) Which of the following gives a general idea of the passage?
4) Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?
因而,要想写出一篇好文章,首要的一点是要尽可能多的熟悉和掌握 英语词汇。
一般来说掌握 的词汇越多,运用英语的才能也会越强。
那么如何才气扩展 词汇量呢?更佳办法之一是大量阅读。
在掌握 了必然数量的根底词汇后就要选词停止写做操练 了,要学会用最有用也最常用的词来表达本身的思惟。
用词组句往往没有同一项原则 ,但必然要重视 将正式用语与非正式用语,书面语与非书面语区别开来。
还要清晰 各类词的特征 和在句子中的功用,能熟悉地停止词语词语的搭配组合。
1.根本词语的乖巧 运用。
起首重视 句中关键 词汇的运用要契合英语语言的习惯。
高级词汇次要是指测验纲领中没有列进 的,但在现实利用 中利用较频繁的词汇。
能否利用高级词汇能够根本揣度 该考生所掌握 的词汇量。
如:用make full use of取代use,用catch sight of取代see.
也就是说,一个句子不只要做到思惟内容的协调 还要做到遣词造句的协调 。
只要意思表达足够 ,用词越少越好。
用词过多只会使意思愈加模糊不清而不是愈加清晰 。
但相信 有用并且详尽
准确谜底是:B D A B C
阐明 如下:
16. According to the passage, if we don’t know a word, we’d better ( C )
文中说,假设 你不晓得一个单词的意思,你更好是(C)
A. think hard 认实的想
B. ask for help 问他人
C. look it up a dictionary 查字典
D. write it again and again 反复地写那个单词
正文:文中强调字典应该成为我们的好伴侣The dictionary will be your good friend, 并大段地描述怎么查字典,即按子母的排序往 更快更好的查到你要的单词。所以选C。
17. When you look up a word in the English-Chinese dictionary, you should understand not only its Chinese meaning, but also ( D )
A. its pronunciation 发音
B. its part of speech
C. the use of the word 单词的用法
D. all above 所有上面的
正文:由文中的“ It(指英汉词典) will tell you a lot about the word: the pronunciation, the part of speech, the Chinese meaning and also how to use the word. “能够晓得选D。
18. In the English-Chinese dictionary, the English words are arranged ( A )
A. in the alphabetical order 字母表的先后挨次摆列
B. if the word is long or short 单词的长短
C. if the word is difficult or easy 单词的难易水平
D. if the word is useful or not 单词能否有用
正文:本文中的“First, all the English words are arranged in the alphabetical(字母表的) order in a dictionary. “即告诉了谜底是A,可间接肃清 其他选项。
19. Here are four words: a. hundred b. hello c. hero d. head
The right order of them in the English-Chinese dictionary is (B)
那里有四个单词:a. hundred b. hello c. hero d. head ,在英汉词典中它们准确的排序是(B)
A. a b c d
B. d b c a
C. b c d a
D. d c b a
正文:英汉词典中查单词,假设 之一个字母不异则看第二个字母,阿谁字母前,阿谁单词就排在前面。可见,此题的谜底应该是B。
20. The English-Chinese dictionary is (C)
A. useful in our Chinese learning 对我们进修中文很有搀扶帮助
B. our good friend in learning Chinese
C. a good friend in our English learning
D. helpful in teaching Chinese
正文:由本文最初"The dictionary will be your good friend."能够看出谜底是C。本文也能够摘 用肃清 法,英汉词典当然是对我们进修英语有搀扶帮助 ,故不选A,B,D。
Most rain forests lie close to the equator(赤道), where the climate is often mild and there are long hours of sunshine. The warmth of the land heats the air above, causing it to rise and tiny drops of water to fall as rain. The rainfall can reach at least 98 inches a year. This wet, warm world with plenty of sunlight is perfect for plants to grow, so the trees grow fast with green leaves all the year round. The trees themselves also have an effect on the climate. They gather water from the soil and pass it out into the air through their leaves. The wet air then forms clouds, which hang over the treetops like *** oke. These clouds protect the forest from the daytime heat and night-time cold of nearby deserts, keeping temperatures fit for plant growth.
Rain forests slightly farther away from the equator remain just as warm, but they have a dry season of three months or more when little rain falls. Tree leaves fall during this dry season and new leaves grow when the wet season or monsoon(雨季) begins. Thus these areas are known as the "monsoon forest".
Another type of rain forest grows on tropical mountains. It is often called the "cloud forest" because clouds often hang over the trees like fog.
The rain forest is the ideal place for the growth of many different trees. Most of them depend on animals to eat their fruits and spread their seeds. When the fruits are eaten, the seeds inside them go undamaged through animals' stomachs and are passed out in their droppings. The seeds lying on the forest floor then grow into new trees.
64. The climate of the rain forests near the equator is ______.
A. mild, wet and windy B. hot, rainy and foggy C. hot, wet and cloudy D. warm, wet and sunny
65. We can learn from the passage that ______.
A. tree leaves are green all the time in the monsoon forest
B. there is a dry season in the cloud forest on tropical mountains
C. clouds help the plants in the rain forests near the deserts to grow
D. the formation of climate in the rain forest has little to do with the trees
66. According to the passage, ______ play the most important role in the spreading of seeds.
A. animals B. droppings C. fruits D. winds
67. This passage is most likely to be found in _______.
A. a travel guide B. a story book C. a technical report D. a geographical book
Danielle Steel, America's sweetheart, is one of the hardest working women in the book business. Unlike other productive authors who write one book at a time, she can work on up to five. Her research time before writing takes at least three years. Once she has fully studied her subjects, ready to dive into a book, she can spend twenty hours nonstop at her desk.
Danielle Steel comes from New York and was sent to France for her education. After graduation, she worked in the public relations and advertising industries. Later she started a job as a writer which she was best fit for. Her achievements are unbelievable: 390 million copies of books in print, nearly fifty New York Times best-selling novels, and a series of "Max and Martha" picture books for children to help them deal with the real-life problems of death, new babies and new schools. Her 1998 book about the death of her son shot to the top of the New York Times best-selling list as soon as it came out. Twenty-eight of her books have been made into films. She is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for one of her books being the Times best-seller for 381 weeks straight.
Not content with a big house, a loving family, and a view of the Golden Gate Bridge, Danielle Steel considers her readers to be the most important resource(资本) and has kept in touch with them by e-mail. While she is often compared to the *** es(女仆人公) of her own invention, her life is undoubtedly much quieter. But, if she does have anything in common with them, it is her strength of will and her inimitable(特殊 的) style. There is only one Danielle Steel.
60. Danielle Steel is different from other writers in that ____.
A. she can write several books at the same time
B. she often does some research before writing a book
C. she is one of the most popular American women writers
D. she can keep writing for quite a long time without a break
61. Children who have read "Max and Martha" picture books may know ______.
A. how to deal with affairs at school
B. what to do if Max and Martha die
C. what to do when new babies are born into their families
D. how to solve the difficult problems in their writing classes
62. One of Danielle Steel's achievements is that ______.
A. some TV plays were based on her books B. her picture books attracted a lot of young men
C. one of her books became a best-seller in 1998 D. she wrote the Guinness Book of World Records
63. We can learn from the passage that Danielle Steel _____.
A. lives an exciting life B. values her readers a lot
C. writes about quiet women D. is pleased with her achievements