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1. 门将 (Goalkeeper):负责守护球门,防止对方球队射门得分。门将是唯一可以用手接触球的球员,但只能在自己的小禁区内使用手部动作。

2. 右后卫 (Right Back):通常是防守型球员,位置在防线最右侧。他需要防守对手的左边锋,还需要在进攻时支援右路进攻。

3. 右中卫 (Center Back):防守型球员,位置在中后卫位置,需要负责防守对方的中锋。他需要在门前组织防线,也要能够扶助球队进攻。

4. 左中卫 (Center Back):与右中卫的位置相对称,同样要负责防守。在组织进攻时,左中卫可以传球给左后卫或中场球员。

5. 左后卫 (Left Back):与右后卫的位置相对称,同样是防守型球员。与右后卫一样,他需要防守对方的右边锋,同时也需要在左路支援进攻。

6. 右前卫 (Right Midfielder):通常是进攻型球员,位置在中场右侧。他需要在右路接球并向前推进,也需要助攻右侧进攻。

7. 中后卫 (Center Midfielder):是一个全能型球员,位置在中场中心,既能防守也能进攻。他需要在两个中场球员之间运转,扶助球队在进攻和防守中保持平衡。

8. 左前卫 (Left Midfielder):与右前卫位置相对称,同样是进攻型球员,需要向左路推进并助攻左侧进攻。

9. 前腰 (Attacking Midfielder):通常是球队进攻的“大脑”,位置在中前场。他需要在进攻过程中发明机会和扶助进攻球员得分。

10. 右前锋 (Right Winger):与左前锋位置相对称,是进攻型球员,需要向右路推进,尽可能地发明得分机会。

11. 左前锋 (Left Winger):位置在左前方,是进攻型球员。他需要向左路推进,尽可能地发明得分机会。


In soccer matches, different players play different roles and need to move in different positions to maximize the team's advantage. Here is an 11-man soccer position introduction diagram:

1. Goalkeeper: Responsible for guarding the goal and preventing the opposing team from scoring. The goalkeeper is the only player who can touch the ball with his hands, but can only use his hands within his own penalty area.

2. Right Back: Typically a defensive player, the position is on the right of the defense. He needs to defend against the opponent's left winger and also needs to support the right side in attacking.

3. Center Back: A defensive player, the position is in the center of the defense and needs to defend against the opponent's center forward. He needs to organize the defense in front of the goal and also needs to help the team attack.

4. Center Back: Symmetrically opposite to the right center back, he also needs to defend. When organizing an attack, the left center back can pass the ball to the left back or midfielder.

5. Left Back: Symmetrically opposite to the right back, he is also a defensive player. Like the right back, he needs to defend the opponent's right winger, and also needs to support the left side in attacking.

6. Right Midfielder: Typically an attacking player, the position is on the right side of the midfield. He needs to receive the ball on the right side and push forward, as well as to assist the right side in attacking.

7. Center Midfielder: An all-round player, the position is in the center of the midfield, both defensive and offensive. He needs to move between the two midfielders to help the team maintain balance in attacking and defending.

8. Left Midfielder: Symmetrically opposite to the right midfielder, he is also an attacking player, needs to push forward on the left side and assist the left side in attacking.

9. Attacking Midfielder: Typically the "brain" of the team's attack, the position is in the middle front. He needs to create opportunities and help attacking players score during the attack.

10. Right Winger: Symmetrically opposite to the left winger, he is an attacking player who needs to push forward on the right side and create scoring opportunities.

11. Left Winger: The position is on the left front, an attacking player who needs to push forward on the left side and create scoring opportunities.


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