What are the classic lines from Luoki 1 in English?

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Luoki 1: Luoki 1, also known as "Rocky," is a classic American sports film released in 1976. It tells the story of Rocky Balboa, a *** all-time boxer who gets a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fight heavyweight champion, Apollo Creed. The film became a cultural icon and won three Academy Awards. Here are some of the most memorable lines from the film, translated into English:

What are the classic lines from Luoki 1 in English?

1. "Yo, Adrian!" - This line, spoken by Rocky when he greets his love interest, Adrian, has become one of the film's most enduring catchphrases. It expresses Rocky's excitement and affection for Adrian.

2. "It's not about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - This line, spoken by Rocky to his protege, reflects the film's theme of perseverance and resilience. It encourages people to never give up, no matter how tough the obstacles may seem.

3. "I ain't gonna let you get away with messing me around." - This line, spoken by Rocky to his rival, Apollo Creed, shows his determination and fighting spirit. It reflects his refusal to be intimidated by his opponent and his willingness to stand up for himself.

4. "I just want to go the distance. Nobody ever went the distance with Creed." - This line, spoken by Rocky to his trainer, shows his humility and determination. It reveals that he is not in it just to win, but to prove that he can go the distance, push himself to his limits, and inspire others to do the same.

5. "Adrian, we did it!" - This line, spoken by Rocky to Adrian after the fight, is a moment of triumph and celebration. It shows the joy and relief that Rocky feels after achieving his goal, and the gratitude he has for Adrian's love and support.

Conclusion: Luoki 1 is a beloved classic that has left a lasting impact on popular culture. Its inspiring story, memorable characters, and iconic lines continue to resonate with audiences today.


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