O2全名?msd ireland是哪家公司?

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  1. O2全名?
  2. msd ireland是哪家公司?
  3. Northern Ireland英语地理特征介绍?
  4. Britain是哪个州?


英国第二大移动电信运营商,西班牙电信英国公司O2,全称为Telefónica UK Limited,通常称为O2

O2全名?msd ireland是哪家公司?

O2是Telefonica UK有限公司的商业品牌,根据Ofcom的数据,它是一家领先的数字通信公司,拥有最高的客户满意度

msd ireland是哪家公司?

MSD Ireland是美国制药公司默克(Merck & Co., Inc.)在爱尔兰的子公司。默克是一家全球性的制药和生物技术公司,致力于研发、生产和销售创新医药产品。MSD Ireland在爱尔兰设有多家工厂和研发中心,是该公司在欧洲地区的重要制造和研发基地。

Northern Ireland英语地理特征介绍?

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in the north-east of the island and near the island nation of many islands.East near Beihai,Belgium,Holland,Germany,in the face of Denmark and Norway and other countries; west of Ireland,the Atlantic and the United States,Canada diaphragm stand far apart facing each other; north the Atlantic to Iceland; wear the English channel to the South 33 km to france.
England land area of 130000 square kilometers,occupy most of the island of great britain.The region from west to East is divided into 4 parts :the Severn River Basin as the central Midlands; altitude of about 200 meters heights; the London basin; Wilder hill.
Welsh has an area of more than 2 square kilometers,the territory is mountainous,rugged terrain.Welsh in the 1 / 4 of the land is classified as national parks and natural reserve.
Scotland and around the many islands,a total area of 78000 square kilometers.Territory is mountainous regions,only relatively low central.
Northern Ireland area of 14000 square kilometers,the Irish Sea and the island of Great Britain is the distance across the.Northern Ireland's climate is maritime temperate broad-leaved forest climate.The hot weather ( July) the average temperature is 13 17 degrees,the coldest days ( January) the average temperature of 4 to 7 DEG c..England was low,the average annual rainfall of 830 mm,western,northern mountainous areas of greater rainfall,up to 4000 mm.



britain是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland),简称“英国”(Britain)或“联合王国”(United Kingdom)。


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