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More deaths in Italy, school closure in France

意大利死亡人数增加,法国学校关闭 随着全球冠状病毒病例数量的增加,各国都在争相采取措施防止病毒传播。在意大利,又有近200人死亡,使该国总死亡人数超过1000人。 周四,政府表示,意大利北部发生了大部分新死亡。 除了药店、杂货店和那些经营日用品的商店外,它还下令关闭所有商店和餐馆。 在邻国法国,所有的学校和大学将从周一开始暂时关闭。


法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙说:“病毒继续在包括欧洲所有国家在内的世界各地传播。这是法国一个世纪以来最严重的公共卫生危机。 马克龙呼吁老年人尽可能呆在家里。然而,他说,在采取预防感染的措施后,本周末举行的市政选举将继续进行。 法国已有2800多人感染,61人死亡。

在伊朗,周四又有400人死亡。 卫生部门表示,感染人数已超过1万人。 据当地媒体报道,至少有70人死于酒精中毒,因为他们喝了受污染的酒。此前,网上有传言称酒精可以杀死病毒。 由于美国制裁对伊朗经济造成了沉重打击,伊朗央行要求国际货币基金组织提供50亿美元的紧急贷款。 华盛顿州仍然是美国的热点之一。日本驻西雅图总领事馆周四表示,在得知访客可能感染病毒后,办公室暂时关闭。 加拿大总理贾斯廷·特鲁多周四宣布,他目前处于自我隔离状态,因为他的妻子有“轻微流感症状”。从伦敦旅行回来。 其他受病毒影响的名人包括好莱坞演员汤姆·汉克斯,他证实自己感染了病毒,巴西总统贾尔·博尔索纳罗在他的公关秘书呈阳性后也接受了检测。


As the number of global coronavirus cases rise, countries are scrambling to enact measures that will stem the spread. In Italy, nearly 200 more deaths have raised the country's total death toll to over 1,000.

The government said on Thursday that most of the new fatalities occurred in northern Italy.

It has ordered all shops and restaurants to be closed, except for pharmacies, grocery stores, and those dealing in daily necessities.

In the neighboring country of France all schools and universities will be temporarily closed starting Monday.

French President Emmanuel Macron said, "the virus is continuing to spread around the world, including all countries in Europe. This is the most grave public health crisis that France has fought in a century."

Macron called on elderly people to stay home as much as possible. He said, however, municipal elections scheduled for this weekend would go ahead after taking measures to prevent infection.

More than 2,800 people in France have been infected, and 61 people have died.

In Iran, the country reported 400 additional deaths on Thursday.

Health authorities said the number of infections has topped 10,000.

Local media say at least 70 people have died of alcohol poisoning after drinking tainted liquor following online rumors that alcohol can kill the virus.

The Central Bank of Iran has asked for a 5 billion-dollar IMF emergency loan as the economy already hit hard by US sanctions reacts to the pandemic.

And in the US, Washington state remains one of the hot spots. The Japanese Consulate General in Seattle said on Thursday it will temporarily close its office after learning a visitor may have been infected.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Thursday that he is in self-isolation after his wife developed "mild, flu-like symptoms" returning from a trip to London.

Other high-profile people impacted by the virus include Hollywood actor Tom Hanks, who confirmed he has it, while Brazil's president Jair Bolsonaro has undergone a test after his communications secretary tested positive.

The WHO has reported a bump of 6,729 cases in 121 countries and territories as of Thursday, bringing the total number to more than 125,000. The death toll has topped 4,600.

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