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1. 一饮山河尽 (One drink, world end)

2. 危險人物 (Risky person)

3. 滚伱妈的虚情假意 (Rolling with your mother's false intentions)

4. 冷眼看世界 (Bare eyes see the world)

5. 我放弃你随意 (I give up you随意)

6. 别碰我的人生 (Don't touch my life)

7. 你玩感情我玩命 (You play love, I play death)

8. 犯贱请绕道 (Pretend to go somewhere else)

9. 心污身子净 (Heart polluted body clean)

10. 爱吃灰狼的兔兔 (Eating wolf rabbits)

11. 谁让我最酷 (Who makes me the coolest?)

12. 恶毒少女 (Cruel and vicious girl)

13. 稳场酷妹 (Stable cool girl)

14. 年轻不嗨老年痴呆 (Young without enthusia *** and old as a stupid Alzheimer's patient)

15. 香烟爱上火柴 (香烟爱上火柴)

16. 继写青春的年華 (Imposing the freshness of youth)

17. 烟雨洛神 (Cloudy dragon sister)

18. ┢封刀战魔ellung ( relação with a knife to fight monsters)

19. 战场辉煌如帝王 (Victory on the battlefield like a king)

20. 龙头の霸主 (King of the horizon)

21. 人丑个矮嘴巴不甜还没钱 (ugly with *** all face and no money)

22. 扛起拖把扫天下 (Lifting bucket, sweeping the whole earth)

23. 裙摆女王 (Queen of the裙摆)

24. 再笨也是你的笨蛋 (It is also a piece of yourself that is stupid)

25. 王与冠 (King and emperor)

26. 舞平天下 (Let us dance together as kings)

27. 嗜血超神 (Die for blood and super heroi *** )

28. 虎瘦雄心在 (Fat and strong heart in tiger)

29. 猥琐啊上单 (Oh, scumbag, on the top position)

30. 斩尽メ天下 (Kill the whole world)

31. 力場天下 (The world of power)

32. 猛虎总孤行 (Tiger always goes alone)

33. 傲似你祖宗 (Ranking yourself above your ancestors)

34. 提刀为你斩天下 (Cutting for your own head with your sword)

35. 打小就傲 (从小傲小)

36. 菊花碎大石 (Corns crush big rocks)

37. 帅裂天际 (Maniacal star)

38. 拓土开疆战四方 (Bulldozer battle the whole country)

39. 王的领悟 (Mastery of the master)

40. 战场辉煌如帝王 (War of the winner is like a king)

41. 元芳逆天了 (Xiaofeng叛天)

42. 仙女提刀战情场 (Moon goddess wielding a sword in the battlefield)

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