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How to make English Monday to Friday a popular song?

- Wash off the dirt: Planting teapot season starts on spring equinox to early清明. Choose cloudy or sunny days for outdoor planting. After 2-3 days of adjusting to the outdoor environment, remove old leaves, leaving only healthy leaves to encourage new shoots. Every time you plant a new type of flower, remove a few mature leaves. Keep them healthy by controlling toppling tendency. - Feed up with nutrients: This is one of the most important aspects of plant care during the blooming season. Since it flowers for a long time and produces many flowers, regularly feed with mineral and organic fertilizers such as composted meal fertilizer. Apply fertilizers in the same manner as base fertilizer: apply slowly and frequently. Do not use organic animal manure, otherwise it will burn roots. At least every 5-7 days give fertilizer to roots outside the stem, using 0.5% plant growth hormone and 0.3% phosphorus-based organic liquid fertilizer. - Water properly: White chrysanthemums are root-demanding plants, both need water but also fear flooding. In the summer heat from mid-summer to autumn, they need to be watered once a day. Keep soil moist but avoid flooded gardens, which can cause rotting roots. - Sunlight is needed: White chrysanthemums are light-loving plants, so they need plenty of sunlight. During their growth period, they should be planted on an area with plenty of sunshine. Daily sunlight should not exceed 6 hours. If kept in shade, keep only the leaves open and half盛开的花朵 for 12-16 hours per day, especially during blooming season. Avoid direct sunlight during hot summer days, which should keep a distance from the pot and concrete surfaces, and reduce the heat radiating from these surfaces. Also, if planted under trees or concrete surfaces, let them have a good water supply to cool down and reduce humidity levels.

Note that I haven't corrected any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or additions. Please make sure to proofread your copy before publishing it.

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