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爱伦坡奖(The award for best short story)是美国文学界的重要奖项之一。该奖项每年评选出一部更优秀的短篇小说作品,以表彰其卓越的创作技巧和深刻的主题。,,目前,爱伦坡奖历年获奖名单可以在各大文学杂志或网站上查询到。《纽约客》、《 *** 》等都对获奖作品进行了详细的报道。很多著名作家的作品也会在颁奖典礼现场被公开阅读。,,需要注意的是,由于获奖作品数量众多,很难列出所有获奖作品的完整列表。如果想了解更具体的信息,可以进一步研究各年的获奖名单。


只有英文的:   1950s   1954 - Charlotte Jay, Beat Not the Bones   1955 - Raymond Chandler, The Long Goodbye   1956 - Margaret Millar, Beast in View   The Gordons, The Case of the Talking Bug   Patricia High *** ith, The Talented Mr. Ripley   1957 - Charlotte Armstrong, A Dram of Poison   Margot Bennett, The Man Who Didn't Fly   1958 - Ed Lacy, Room to Swing   Arthur Upfield, The Bushman Who Came Back   Bill Ballinger, The Longest Second   Marjorie Carleton, The Night of the Good Children   1959 - Stanley Ellin, The Eighth Circle   Dorothy Sali *** ury Davis, A Gentleman Called   David Alexander, The Madhouse in Washington Square   Lee Blackstock, The Woman in the Woods   1960s   1960 - Celia Fremlin, The Hours Before Dawn   Philip MacDonald, The List of Adrian Messenger   1961 - Julian Symons, Progress of a Crime   Peter Curtis, The Devil's Own   Herbert Brean, The Traces of Brillhart   Geoffrey Household, Watcher in the Shadows   1962 - J. J. Marric, Gideon's Fire   Lionel Davidson, The Night of Wenceslas   Anne Blaisdell, Nightmare   Suzanne Blanc, The Green Stone   Ross Macdonald, The Wycherly Woman   1963 - Ellis Peters, Death and the Joyful Woman   Dell Shannon, Knave of Hearts   Mark McShane, Seance   Shelley Smith, The Ballad of the Running Man   Jean Potts, The Evil Wish   Ross Macdonald, The Zebra-Striped Hearse   1964 - Eric Ambler, The Light of Day   Stanton Forbes, Grieve for the Past   Dorothy B. Hughes, The Expendable Man   Elizabeth Fenwick, The Make-Believe Man   Ellery Queen, The Player on the Other Side   1965 - John le Carré, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold   Margaret Millar, The Fiend   Hans Hellmut Kirst, The Night of the Generals   Mary Stewart, This Rough Magic   1966 - Adam Hall, The Quiller Memorandum   Mary Stewart, Airs Above the Ground   Len Deighton, Funeral in Berlin   Ross Macdonald, The Far Side of the Dollar   Dorothy Sali *** ury Davis, The Pale Betrayer   H. R. F. Keating, The Perfect Murder   1967 - Nicolas Freeling, King of the Rainy Country   Ngaio Marsh, Killer Dolphin   Dick Francis, Odds Against   Donald E. Westlake, The Busy Body   1968 - Donald E. Westlake, God Save the Mark   George Baxt, A Parade of Cockeyed Creatures   Dick Francis, Flying Finish   Charlotte Armstrong, Lemon in the Basket   Ira Levin, Rosemary's Baby   Charlotte Armstrong, The Gift Shop   1969 - Jeffery Hudson, A Case of Need   Peter Dickinson, A Glass-Sided Ants' Nest   Dick Francis, Blood Sport   Dorothy Sali *** ury Davis and Jerome Ross, God Speed the Night   Heron Carvic, Picture Miss Seeton   Stanley Ellin, The Valentine Estate   1970s   1970 - Dick Francis, Forfeit   Chester Himes, Blind Man with a Pistol   Shaun Herron, Miro   Peter Dickinson, The Old English Peep Show   Emma Lathen, When in Greece   Dorothy Sali *** ury Davis, Where the Dark Streets Go   1971 - Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, The Laughing Policeman   Pat Stadley, Autumn of a Hunter   Margaret Millar, Beyond this Point Are Monsters   Patricia Moyes, Many Deadly Returns   Donald E. Westlake, The Hot Rock   Shaun Herron, The Hound and the Fox and the Harper   1972 - Frederick Forsyth, The Day of the Jackal   P. D. James, Shroud for a Nightingale   G. F. Newman, Sir, You Bastard   Tony Hillerman, The Fly on the Wall   Arthur Wise, Who Killed Enoch Powell?   1973 - Warren Kiefer, The Lingala Code   Martin Cruz Smith, Canto for a Gypsy   John Ball, Five Pieces of Jade   Hugh C. Rae, The Shooting Gallery   Ngaio Marsh, Tied Up in Tinsel   1974 - Tony Hillerman, Dance Hall of the Dead   Francis Clifford, Amigo, Amigo   P. D. James, An Unsuitable Job for a Woman   Jean Stubbs, Dear Laura   Victor Canning, The Rainbird Pattern   1975 - Jon Cleary, Peter's Pence   Francis Clifford, Goodbye and Amen   Andrew Garve, The Lester Affair   Malcolm Bosse, The Man Who Loved Zoos   Paul Erdman, The Silver Bears   1976 - Brian Garfield, Hopscotch   Gerald Seymour, Harry's Game   Maggie Rennert, Operation Alcestic   Martin Albert, The Gargoyle Conspiracy   Ross Thomas, The Money Harvest   1977 - Robert B. Parker, Promised Land   Richard Neely, A Madness of the Heart   Thomas Gifford, The Cavanaugh Quest   Gerald Seymour, The Glory Boys   Trevanian, The Main   1978 - William Hallahan, Catch Me: Kill Me   William McIlvanney, Laidlaw   Martin Cruz Smith, Nightwing   1979 - Ken Follett, Eye of the Needle   Ruth Rendell, A Sleeping Life   Tony Hillerman, Listening Woman   Jack S. Scott, The Shallow Grave   John Godey, The Snake   1980s   1980 - Arthur Maling, The Rheingold Route   C.P. Snow , A Coat of Varnish   Robert Barnard, Death of a Mystery Writer   Frank Parrish, Fire in the Barley   Ruth Rendell, Make Death Love Me   1981 - Dick Francis, Whip Hand   B. M. Gill, Death Drop   Robert Barnard, Death of a Literary Widow   A. J. Quinnell, Man on Fire   Reginald Hill, The Spy's Wife   1982 - William Bayer, Peregrine   1983 - Rick Boyer, Billinsgate Shoal   1984 - Elmore Leonard, LaBrava   1985 - Ross Thomas, Briarpatch   1986 - L. R. Wright, The Suspect   1987 - Barbara Vine, A Dark-Adapted Eye   1988 - Aaron Elkins, Old Bones   1989 - Stuart M. Kaminsky, A Cold Red Sunrise   1990s   1990 James Lee Burke, Black Cherry Blues   1991 Julie Smith, New Orleans Mourning   1992 Lawrence Block, A Dance at the Slaughterhouse   1993 Margaret Maron, Bootlegger's Daughter   1994 Minette Walters, The Sculptress   1995 Mary Willis Walker, The Red Scream   1996 Dick Francis, Come to Grief   1997 Thomas H. Cook, The Chatham School Affair   1998 James Lee Burke, Cimarron Rose   1999 Robert Clark, Mr. White's Confession   2000s   2000 Jan Burke, Bones   2001 Joe R. Lansdale, The Bottoms   2002 T. Jefferson Parker, Silent Joe   2003 S. J. Rozan, Winter and Night   2004 Ian Rankin, Resurrection Men   2005 T. Jefferson Parker, California Girl   2006 Jess Walter, Citizen Vince   2007 Jason Goodwin, The Janissary Tree   2008 John Hart, Down River   2009 C.J. Box, Blue Heaven

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