*** 游戏(Massively Multiplayer Online Games, MMOs)是一种在线多人游戏的形式,通常需要多玩家在同一屏幕上进行交互。它们可以是在一个游戏中与其他玩家一起合作或竞争,也可以是单人游戏。,, *** 游戏起源于计算机图形学和 *** 技术的发展,最初是由计算机科学家们开发出来的。在上世纪90年代末期,随着互联网的发展, *** 游戏开始逐渐流行起来,并在全球范围内得到了广泛的应用和发展。 *** 游戏不仅为人们提供了新的娱乐方式,也为商业开发和社区建设提供了重要的支持。
The first interactive word game was designed by Steve Russell at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1961. It ran on a computer and was the first true video game.
Space Wars is a simple game, where players use laser beams to hit each other's spaceships with a screen built into an electronic data processor's negative lead cathode. This technology was limited when playing the game, so it had to be displayed using new vacuum tubes display screens, which were only available to those who were selected for running the host machine.