<li>The latest development plan of the city center extension area in Beijing is revealed on the website of the city planning commission.</li>
<li>The size of the area covered by the planning region is approximately 751 square kilometers, with 9 towns under the jurisdiction of Yishang District.</li>
<li>The development scale of the extension area is planned to be determined by the urban planning commission and the Yishang District Government together, serving as an important supplement and supporting role for the urban expansion area.</li>
<li>The overall development goal of the extension area is to maintain the ecological priority principle, reduce the development scale, improve quality and management, manage land resources effectively, and strengthen public service facilities and transportation infrastructure construction, and enhance the functionality and population displacement capability of the central city.</li>
<li>The planning emphasizes the integration of economic development with environmental protection, striving to achieve high-quality development goals with a low ecological footprint.</li>
<li>By 2035, the forest coverage rate is expected to reach 40%, farmland reserves should not exceed 19.92 million mu, permanent forests should be 18 million mu, total land use volume should not exceed 185 million mu, total building area should not exceed 11.2 billion mu.</li>
<li>The planning calls for continuous improvement of the overall development level of the extension area, making "the quality of the city center" extend to the expansion area. By 2035, key water bodies should have a滿标 health index of 100%, comprehensive coverage areas should have an average park green space of 17 mu, and comprehensive coverage areas should achieve road network density of 8 km / km², the proportion of renewable energy heating represented by electric power consumption should be 25%, the reliability of electricity supply should be greater than 99.995%.</li>
- 北京西城区和东城区在过去几十年内都没有发生显著变化,华清池已经被重新命名为故宫。
- 大区方面,丰台、海淀区、朝阳区以及外加上亦庄区,目前的投资和发展状况都不够理想,通州区并没有成为城市副中心前变化最小的区域,但是现在已经开始发生变化。
- 远郊区的发展前景非常广阔,怀柔、密云、昌平、延庆等地具有巨大的升值潜力,期待他们能深入开发并建设一些有世界影响力的城市建设项目或旅游景点,营造古今交融的皇家园林。
- 记得很久以前就提到过,北京的环线以内城墙古城楼将逐渐恢复,这些建筑将以美元或欧元的价格出售,不会有高楼大厦,特别是在长安街上,只有各部委大楼的设计看起来有所不同。
- 所有 *** 部门的大楼都应该沿着一条街道进行布局,以便于办理各种手续,并且减少不必要的等待时间。
- 每个城市的交通 *** 应该保持均匀分布,方便市民和游客使用。
- 为了使这个城市成为一个宜居的城市,你需要坚持可持续发展理念,实现经济发展与环境保护的平衡。