1. Father: Dad, Mother: Mom, Son: Son, Daughter: Daughter, Grandfather: Grandpa, Grandmother: Grandma, Uncle: uncle, Aunt: aunt, cousin: cousin.
2. In English, the way to address family members is relatively fixed. For example, father is called Dad, mother is called Mom, son is called Son, daughter is called Daughter, grandfather is called Grandpa, grandmother is called Grandma, uncle is called uncle, aunt is called aunt, cousin is called cousin.
3. Moreover, there are some special titles in English as well. For example, a man's brother can be called uncle, a woman's sister can be called aunt, and in Chinese culture, some relative relationships have names that are not exactly related to English, such as uncle's wife in China can be called aunt.
4. To correctly address family members, it's first important to understand their relationships. Then, based on English naming conventions, use the appropriate称呼. Of course, people also often use informal or creative names like 'Dad' or 'Mom' depending on language environment and cultural background.