沉迷 *** 游戏的危害
大家都知道, *** 游戏可以使人着迷,可以使人倾家荡产,可为什么还要去接触呢?
*** 游戏就像一只色彩斑斓的毒蜘蛛,一旦去接触,就会上瘾,甚至走火入魔.如:武汉一中学生在网吧玩游戏,突然倒地猝死,原来是兴奋过度,瞳孔,脉搏发生反射而死.一位祖国的花朵就这样被 *** 游戏夺走了宝贵的生命.
*** 游戏只是虚幻世界,甚至还会出现不健康网站,就这样,人生就颓然荒废了了.一学生因受暴力游戏影响,在回家路上杀人逃跑.这一个又一个例子,不都是我们的警钟么?可为什么掉进陷阱的中小学生还是那么多?
*** 游戏如一个伪装得很好的陷阱,等着你来跳,我们要坚决 *** *** 游戏,健康生活!
一片关于对 *** 游戏看法的作文,英语,八十词的?
In my humble opinion, online games are like a double-edged sword. We can experience different life styles in cyber-games and relief ourselves after study. In this sense, cyber-games can act as a way of entertainment. But on the other hand, if they indulge in cyber-games, they will do great harm to our health and study. It can also cause tension between ourselves and the society. The youths usually do not have enough self-control, so they incline to become addicted to cyber-games. The parents, teachers and the society should cooperate to provide the youths with a healthy way to deal with the relationship between the cyber-games and their study.