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  1. Bathing massage - ease tension and stimulate circulation
  2. Clean your face, hands and body with facial cleanser and cleansing oils
  3. Apply face masks to hydrate and nourish your skin
  4. Have a foot bath to warm up the blood flow and introduce essential oil or body salt
  5. Experience relaxation through deep breathing and gentle massage of all parts of your body
  6. Use facial masks to feed more nourishing nutrients into your skin
  7. Massage your entire body to help remove old skin cells and sculpt your figure
  8. Applying a nourishing treatment such as moisturizer and hair care products to keep your skin and hair healthy
  9. Fold the towel around your hair and place it over your head to protect your hair from water
  10. Finish by drinking a cup of花草茶 to replenish your fluids and refresh your senses

The ancient queens were often highly服务质量, treating their courtiers with dignity and respect. Many women of rank below the queen were allowed to serve as maidservants, though there was still a significant number of people who remained below the social status.

The wealthy and influential could afford to have more skilled spa therapists on hand to attend to their guests. The most common areas of service for wealthy individuals were in their bathrooms, where they would be given a massage and other treatments designed to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

However, this practice of grooming and pampering had its limitations. If the queen or her attendants did not fully understand the culture or customs of their hosts, it could be seen as inappropriate. Additionally, if the maids were allowed to treat their guests without proper supervision, it could lead to abuse and exploitation.


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