The movie is adapted from the novel by Liang Jiajia.
Because of the impact of the 'public car accident', most of the films have temporarily stopped production in 2020. In addition, 'Dune' has received positive reviews, with people being particularly excited about it. 'Journey to Xinjiang' continues the spirit of national volleyball. 'Hurried Postman' is another action film directed by Jackson Yee, and I will continue to support him, as he has always made an effort in making one less film per year. 'Jiang Zhiying's 'Life Is Beautiful' is also a comedy animated film that续写了他之前的动画电影《哪吒》的传奇,林超贤执导的《紧急救援》,则是响应国家号召,拍摄出了燃爆影片,之前的作品三部曲电影将林超贤导演发挥到极致,希望疫情结束后,能痛痛快快地观看。