世 上的一切都是双面的,同样电子游戏也不例外,它就像一把双刃 剑,存在着弊与利。
但对我们青少年中学生而言,我们应正视电 子游戏的弊与利。
有相关数据表明,我国青少年网民占网民总数的百分之三十 五点八,已达近六千万人,青少年互联网普及率已接近百分之二 十七。
电子游戏凭借着动人心魄的画面和逼真的音效,将我们带入 了一个虚拟的世界里,让我们沉溺其中,无法自拔。
无数的电子 玩家倾倒其中,尤其是自制力差到不能自已的青少年,由于过度 的沉溺于电子游戏,造成了不可挽回的后果。
一片关于对网络游戏看法的作文,英语,八十词的?In my humble opinion, online games are like a double-edged sword. We can experience different life styles in cyber-games and relief ourselves after study. In this sense, cyber-games can act as a way of entertainment. But on the other hand, if they indulge in cyber-games, they will do great harm to our health and study. It can also cause tension between ourselves and the society. The youths usually do not have enough self-control, so they incline to become addicted to cyber-games. The parents, teachers and the society should cooperate to provide the youths with a healthy way to deal with the relationship between the cyber-games and their study.